New years special

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Tobias- You and him decided to just stay in for newyears. You sat cuddled next to him on the couch. "1 minute till the new year" Toby announces.

"What was your favorite thing this year?" You ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Well meeting you, of course" he says with a smile. You giggle. He gives you a quick peck on the lips.

"30 seconds" he says.

The timer ticks down. 10 seconds. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. You and tobias tap your glasses of champagne then take a drink. "Happy new year!" You and tobias yell.

"I love you y/n." Toby smiles. He presses his lips to yours and you kiss back.

Uriah- Uriah had dragged you to a party. "Can't we just stay in...?" You whine as he finishes getting ready.

"No, we're going." He says. He walks to you. "And your gonna have fun." He gives you a quick peck on the lips. Uriah picks you up and literally carries you out the door.

At the party you get through with idle talk. Eventually it's just one minute till new year.

Uriah stands next to you with one arm slung around your waist and the other holding a glass of champagne. You and him watch the countdown timer. "3. 2. 1. Happy new year!" Everyone shouts. streamers fly down. You take a sip of your drink. uriah swings you down. "Happy new year" he whispers before kissing you.

Will- you were planning on staying home alone. You were used to not celebrating it in abnegation.

The count down was at less then 5 minutes. Your phone buzzed
(Phone convo)

W- sup

Y- watching the countdown

W- alone?

Y- yea. But it's fine

W- no, come meet me at the pit. Hurry.

Y- fine. Seeya

You got ready and rushed to the pit. Will was standing by the chasm. "Sorry I didn't being drinks. But I didn't want you to be alone" he says as you arrive.

"It's fine. Thanks" you reply. Will slings an arm over your shoulder and pulls you close. You hear the sound of people cheering.

"Must be the new year" will says before gently pressing his lips to yours. He pulls away. "I love you" he whispers smiling.

Caleb- Caleb and you shared an apartment. He had work so he wouldn't be home tonight. You sat on the couch with a glass of champagne waiting for the new year.

"Happy new year" you mutter to yourself as the countdown hits zero.

"Well your not very festive" Caleb chuckles as he walks in the door.

You stand up and run to him, giddily. "I thought you wouldn't be back."

"We'll here I am. Now lets celebrate New Years right." He grins as he kisses you.

Eric- you stood with him by the chasm. The countdown had just reached zero. He handed you a drink but you wre hesitant.

"Let me guess, you've never had champagne" Eric smirks

"Nope" you reply, popping the p.

"What a stiff" he laughs.

You laugh too. Eric was the only one allowed to call you that. And you liked it when he did.

"Try it. It's good" he insists.

You bring the glass to your lips and drink the bubbly liquid. You giggle a little as it fills your mouth.

"Not bad" you say.

Eric grins. "Your cute y/n." he says. He picks you up and kisses you. You kiss back. "I love you" he whispers into your ear.

A/n- so I only did Eric cuz he's winning so far. I still want you to vote though. I'm sorry it's like two am now but I forgot to write this till a while ago. Happy new year! Remember to vomment!.

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