Preference #6 He finds you crying

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Tobias- Uriah is possibly gonna die. He's in a coma, and probably won't wake up. The doctors are gonna pull the plug soon.

He was your best friend, and had been since initiation. Always laughing with that contagious laugh that made you laugh too. (That sentence is weird cuz it has laugh 3 times. Oh whale) With that goofy smile of his.

It's all too much to bear.

You run to the room you share with Tobias. You're not crying yet. Tobias is in there already. "Hi Y/N, Wh-" He starts, but you go in the bathroom and lock the door before you burst into tears

You sit with your back against the wall, silently sobbing.

"You alright?" Toby asks.

"Yea" you reply quickly, hiding the sadness in your voice.

"Okay..." Tobias says, uncertainly. You continue to cry. "So are you actually using the bathroom or?" He asks.

"Uh... Well no, not really." You stutter nervously.

"Can I come in?" He asks, obviously concerned.

You weigh the options. On one hand you could talk to him about and he can comfort you. On the other you don't want anyone to see you like this.

While your thinking Tobias silently opens the door and walks in. He crouches in front of you. "What is it Y/N?" He asks. "Is it Uriah?" He knew you two were close.

You bite your lip and nod.

"He's a fighter. He'll make it. I know it" he says. His voice wavers, and you know he's uncertain. "Im here for you, its okay. Come on, It'll be alright." Tobias coos.

You can't hold back anymore. You burst into tears. He holds you tight, whispering encouraging thoughts in your ear.

Eventually you fall asleep, your face covered in tears. Tobias still holding you.

Uriah- The dauntless just attacked abnegation. You found your family dead in your old house. You were alone with no family.

Uriah saw you and ran up. "You know them?" He asks.

"Yeah, they were ONLY my family." You reply, sarcasm evident in your voice. He looks taken aback.

"Oh- uh sorry I didn't know, but we kinda have to go." Uriah says.


You can't help it. Tears spill. You sit down, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Hey, I'm sorry" Uriah whispers. He furrows his eyebrows in concern. "I'm not really sure how to this whole 'comforting' thing" he mumbles.

You laugh a little.

Uriah's face lights up. "Jokes? I can do that" You look up at him. "Uh- so knock knock"

"Who's there?" You respond, your voice wavering.


"Doughnut who?"

"Doughnut keep me waiting here too long, please."

You laugh a little. Cheesy, I know. But it's really just the thought.

"But really, we do have to leave. Ill always be here for you, unless I die. But until then ill be your family for you, ok? And you still have tris and all of them... probably. So lets go. Before we, ya know, get killed" Uriah says.

You nod and follow him to the train.

Will- Tris, your best friend, has just died. She was practically a sister to you and she's dead. Gone forever.
As soon as you heard the news you ran to your room. You sat on your bed, tears spilling from your eyes.

Will knocks on the door. "Y/N? Can I come in?"
"Uh one second" you reply, wiping the tears off your face. Your eyes are still red and watery, bet its the best you can do for now. You open the door and try to avoid direct eye contact.

"Are you... Okay? I mean about tris and all" He asks. You start to nod, but give up on hiding it.

You burst into tears, and bury your head in will's shoulder. He seems taken aback, but hugs you as you sob.

"It'll be alright Y/N. I'll miss her too." He whispers. He tries to comfort you, whispering small phrases. "I'll always be here for you" He says. And you remember that phrase mostt of all.

Caleb- You can't take it. Initiation, trying to "participate" (the perks of being a wallflower reference anyone?), everything. It was all too much

You were probably gonna be kicked out of dauntless. Be factionless.

And being a stiff really wasn't helping either. Everyone would laugh at you. Or insult your old friends and family.

You were walking through the halls, you just, well, broke. Everything inside you hurt, your muscles ached from training. You were ready for it to be over.

Your eyes water, and tears start to run down your face. Caleb walked by and saw. He sits next to you on the wall, and positions your head on his shoulder.

"Shhh, shhh Y/N. It'll be alright." He comforts. He holds onto you.

You fall asleep on his shoulder. Caleb wipes your tears from your face. He carries to you to your room bridal-style and lays you on your bed. "It's gonna get better, Y/N, I just know it" he says before leaving.

Eric: "Y/F/L/N" They call at the choosing ceremony.

You walk up and grab the knife. Dauntless. You know that's what your going to choose. But it's still hard to do it.

You cut your hand with the knife. OW! That hurt a lot. You hear the faint sound of your blood sizzling against the coals.

You sit down by the dauntless members. Your next to a boy, about 18.

You definitely cut too deep with the knife. You wrap it with some of your sleeve.

"What's wrong stiff? You choose the wrong bowl?" The boy next to you smirks.

You notice your eyes are watering. You give your head a slight shake.

"Then what is it?" He asks, slightly concerned.

"I-. Well, it just hurts. My hand I mean. I cut it" You reply shyly.

A/N- IM SO SORRY FOR ERIC'S. I couldn't think of anything else for his cuz I used up my other ideas for the previous people. Uriah's reminds me of lilo and stitch when stitch says- "this is my family. I found it all on my own. It's little and broken but still good. Yeah, still good". Sorries but I love that quote. Comment preference/horoscope Ideas. Remember to vomment!!

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