Preferences #3 How he likes your hair

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Tobias- In a simple ponytail. He likes how it makes you ready for battle, while still
looking cute for him.

Uriah- in 2 braids. He says it makes you look young and innocent, like when he first saw you. He likes how they sometimes fall loose and he'll try to put them back, but fail miserably and you'd end up doing it. It was always funny, and kinda adorable, though.

Will- He likes it down. That way he can brush it from your eyes. Or play with it when he's bored.

Caleb- A simple bun. That's how it was when he'd see you in abnegation. He remembers you'd always be self conscious about keeping your bun perfect, and he thought it was cute when you'd be fussing over it.

Eric- A high ponytail. It makes you look strong and prepared. He wants you to be safe, and look safe too. He likes to tuck any loose hairs behind your ear for you.

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