Preferences #11 Your first kiss

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Tobias: You were on the final day of initiation. Toby had shown interest in you, but nothing was happening. What were you doing wrong?

You go through your landscape and then comes the time to face your last fear. Your in a room. Tobias is on the other side of the room. A gun appears. You know this fear, you've done it before. But all the trainers can see.

Just get it over with.

You pick up the gun and shoot. He falls to the floor, dead. It's over. Your back in the room with the trainers... And tobias. "Y/n. I didn't know you cared about me that much" he says sweetly.

"Well, I do Toby. I like you... A lot" you whisper.

He runs his hand through his hair and smiles. God, he's so sexy. "I wish I knew. I like you too. I mean well... I love you" He replies.

You can't stop a giddy smile from spreading across your face. Suddenly tobias cups your head in his hands and kisses you. Your lips move in synch as you grin into the kiss.

Uriah(yay! He's awesome): you were sitting next to him in the cafeteria. "Can I have some of your cake?" You beg.

"No, go get your own" he mumbles with a mouth full of cake. You fake pout.

"Yeah, but that's too much work." You reply.

"I said no" Uriah laughs.

"Come on. Pweeease?" You whine.

"Uh, no" Uriah responds, eating another forkful of cake.

"I'll do ANYTHING"

"Anything? I've got something in mind" Uriah grins.

"Ok.I'll do it." You reply, smiling.

Uriah cups your head in his hands and kisses you. You're surprised at first, but kiss back. Uriah pulls away. "I love you y/n." he whispers.

"Ya,ya, I love you too, but I recall being promised cake"

Will: You were just finished with your first fear simulation. You came out, a few tears on your face. You walk to the dorm. "Hey y/n. Wait, are you okay?" Will asks, noticing your tear streaked face.

"Yeah. It was just the simulation" you whisper.

"Mine was tough too" he replies. Will wipes your face of tears. "You'll be better soon." He gently presses his lips to yours. You kiss back. After a few second you both pull away. "I love you" he smiles.

Caleb: You were 15. Caleb was walking home with you from school, as you usually do.

"Hey Y/N. Can we talk?" He asks mid walk.

"Ya sure" you reply causally.

"Do you like me?" He asks nervously.

"Yea. You're a great friend"

"I know. but i mean like more than that. You know? More than just friends" Caleb says.

"Well..." You pause. You blush lightly. Why was he asking? Does this mean he likes you? Butterflies fill your stomach. "Yes" you finish, slightly unsure.

Caleb starts to grin. "Great"

"Why do you ask?" You raise an eyebrow.

"I like you. I mean i love you. More than a crush. I have for a while now" he states. A grin across his face.

You blush a deep red. "But why me? I'm not anything particularly great. And I'm not pretty" you say.

"You are great. There are so many wonderful things about you. You're kind, smart, honest... The list could go on and on. And you are pretty. Even if your not perfect. You don't have to be perfect to be beautiful. And I love you, y/n, I do" He says. Then he presses his lips to yours. It's a short kiss because its strange to your abnegation ways. You smile. "Now lets get going" Caleb says and you continue to walk home.

A/N- Do you guys like the Eric ones. I didn't do it this time cuz I don't really like him and its hard to visualize these things with him. Should I take him out? If so who should I replace him with? Feedback is greatly appreciated. I also wanna thank all of you for nearly 1K reads. That's pretty amazing. Remember to vomment!

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