Preferences #2

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How you met

Tobias- You rolled off the train going to dauntless and onto the roof, brushing gravel off your pants as you stand up. "Alright, someone's gotta jump first" a dauntless member shouts, his voice booming through the crowd. "Who's it gonna be?"
You have to look strong, being a stiff. "Me- uh I w- I will." You stutter nervously. The dauntless member smirks as you slowly, but confidently stride to the edge of the building. You wipe your sweaty palms on your pants, close your eyes, and jump.
You fall into a net where you greeted with applause. A hand reaches for you, and you take it gladly. A man, around 18, is the one who pulled you out.
"Welcome to dauntless, what's your name?" He asks with a small smile. You you get lost in his dark blue eyes, cuz honestly, who wouldn't? He was stunning.
"Hey stiff? Name?" He snaps, pulling you back to reality.
"Oh, uh, Y/N" you reply nervously
"First jumper, Y/N!"

Uriah- It was your first day at dauntless, and you had made a total of zero friends. You sat alone at a table, eating dinner. Uriah noticed you and walked over, setting his tray next to you.
"Hey" He greets, giving you a pearly white smile.
"Uhm hi" you reply, nervously.
"How you liking dauntless?" He asks kindly, while eating some dauntless cake.
"It's been ok, so far" you say. He nods in response. "So what's your name?" You ask the young dauntless born.
"Uriah, Uriah pedrad." He says confidently. You liked how confident he is, while also being kind. "You?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm Y/N" you say, trying to mimic his confidence.
"Well, Y/N, welcome to dauntless" he grins.
You spend the rest of the meal talking about little unimportant things. And eventually, sharing his 2nd piece of dauntless cake.

Will- You jumped onto the train after the choosing ceremony. You struggle to get on, so will pulls you on to help. "Thanks" you mutter.
"No prob. I'm will." He smiles.
"I'm Y/N" you reply between breaths. Man, being dauntless was hard.
You sit next to him in silence until you notice people start jumping off. You nudge Will to get his attention. "Bye. hopefully I'll see you around" he says Right before he jumps off.
Hopefully, you think before jumping off.

Caleb- You knew him from school. The first day you met was in 1st grade, so you don't remember it much.
You were best friends until you were 15. You started sneaking around on dates, so your parents wouldn't know you broke your abnegation ways. (Sorry I didn't really have any good ideas)

Eric- It was your first day of fights in initiation. You of course had seen eric around, but never talked.
"Alright. Y/N and Rick" Four calls out. Rick was a strong transfer from erudite. Needless to say, you got pummeled.
"Take 'er to the infirmary" someone says. Eric helps you up. You hobble to the infirmary side by side with him.
"You did ok, for a stiff" he says as you sit in the waiting room. You mumble a thanks.
You end up asleep, with your head on his shoulder as you wait for a doctor.

------------------------------------ A/N- Ok so I kinda ran out of ideas for the last 2 so idk. Sorry for not updating yesterday, but it was thanksgiving and all that. Thanks for reading. - Annie

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