Preference #10 What he gets your for valentines day

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Tobias: Flowers and a cute little note that means the world to you. (Could he be any cuter?)

Uriah: Chocolate. You can not go wrong with chocolate

Will: A kitten(unless you're allergic to them. 😷Then idk what he gets you)

Caleb: A copy of your fav book signed by the author. (Well now I wanna date caleb for sures)

Eric: A necklace with Y/F/I + E engraved on it

A/N- Y/F/I means your first initial btw. Sorry it's so late, but I just got wifi now. INTERESTING FACT OF THE DAY: Metra train bathrooms are gross. QOTD: How do you say wattpad. Like wattpad as in cAt. Or as in cOt. AOTD: As in cOt.

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