112 4 5

September 13, 2020
10:04 am, Jay's apartment

Kimberly runs over to the boy leaving behind a very confused Jay. She hugs the boy while beginning to cry. As for the other, he was so shocked he forgot to hug back.

"Kim- Kimberly... What are you doing here?" He asks as his eyes begin to tear up once they had separate the hug.

"What are YOU doing here? You have been missing for years! Jiwon and I... We've been looking for you!" She says letting out sobs in between her words.

"Kim. You have to leave. Please leave!" He weakly but sternly screams, ignoring her previous words.

"No. In no way am I leaving you here. Come on let's go." Kimberly says trying to hold his wrist only for him to tug it away.

"You don't get it I can't leave." He says shaking his head. "If I leave Jiwon will be in danger. I can't do that. He will kill her..." He carefully says, breathing heavily.

"Jung- Jungwon-ah... Ji- Jiwon is dead." Kimberly announces, tearing up again.


"No. That can't be true. She won't leave me. My sister... she won't-" he says before fainting.

"Yang Jungwon!" Kimberly screams in panic making Jay run to the pair. Instead of asking any questions, the older carries the boy, running out from the building. "Jay where are you taking him?!" She screams from a distance.

"I don't think it's safe going to a hospital, I'm taking him to my apartment." He explains, shortly stopping before continuing to run.

Jay's apartment

As soon as they went in, the older laid the boy on the couch. Kimberly ran into the bathroom, looking for a first aid kit which she thankfully was successful in finding. She rushes to the injured boy, quickly taking out some ointment and plasters to put on his many cuts while Jay stood there observing what was happening. Some of the wounds were fresh and some dried out. Once she was done she took the small alcohol bottle in the kit and put it close to the boy's noise-making him wake up.

He slowly opens his eyes only once he grasps the situation does he fully wake up, widely opening his eyes to sit up. "What happened?!" He asks in a panicking voice.

"Jungwon, relax, you fainted so we brought you here."

"No no no no no, I need to go back."

"Yang Jungwon I am not letting you go back! I already lost Jiwon... Now I found you, I can't lose again."

Jungwon's eyes soften and he looks around, finally realizing there was someone else in the room. "Wh- who is he?" He asks pointing towards Jay.

"Jay." He answers nonchalantly.

"I- I'm Yang Jungwon." He introduces with a slight bow before turning back to Kimberly, "Is he your friend?" He carefully asks.

"Not exactly. He's just... somebody... that I met and is helping me." She answers, carefully choosing the right words.

"And what is he helping you with?"

"Wonie, first you have to eat something and drink some water, then you can explain what happened to you and I'll explain what's going on. Okay?" She asks while caressing his left cheek. He slowly nods after thinking for a while. "I'll go make something. Jay, please stay with Jungwon?" Jay nonchalantly nods, not even sparing a glance before Kimberly leaves for the kitchen.

Jungwon sits on the couch while Jay remains standing. "So who exactly are you Yang Jungwon?" He asks, eyeing the younger.

Jungwon looks down, "I'm Jiwon's twin brother and Kimberly's childhood friend." Jay nods, still keeping an intense gaze on him. "C- can you stop that?" He asks, intimidated.

"Stop what?"

"The gaze..." He softly replies. Instead of doing as the brunette asked Jay walked closer to him, intensifying the sharp look he was giving. Jungwon became tense and started to ball his fists, clawing his nails into the palms of his hands with shaking teary eyes.

"Something happened to you... trauma." Jay mumbled to himself softly before softening his gaze as the younger had asked but he didn't become relax.

Instead, he began to chant, "Stop, stop, stop," his voice rising higher every time he says it until he screams, making Jay unconsciously worry and Kimberly enter the scene.

"Jay! Jungwon! What happened?!" She worriedly asks as she kneels in front of the panicking boy. Instead of waiting for an answer from either of them, she began to caress the boy's cheeks, looking into his eyes and beginning to reassure him everything is fine. In the meantime, Jay had gone to fetch him a water bottle and the food Kimberly had just finished cooking. Soon, the boy calms down, though he continues to breathe heavily as he drinks water. "Are you okay now?" She asks in which he responds with a slow nod.

"I'm sorry, Jungwon-ssi I didn't think it would affect you like this. Could you tell us? Why you reacted that way because of my gaze?" He asks, starting to come closer to the pair sitting on the couch.

"Can- can I do it later?" He asks as his hands began to tremble as memories flooded back.

"Yes, eat for now okay?" Kimberly says softly as she handed him the spaghetti she cooked. He took it and without another word began to eat it. Jay and Kimberly also fetched their meal, keeping an eye on Jungwon as they began to eat and Kimberly throwing a few glares onto Jay.

"I can feel it. So stop it."

"What the fuck did you do to him?" She angrily asks.

"I didn't do anything I just looked at him I swear." He says, looking into her eyes. "But I think it has to do with the way I looked at him, he looked intimidated." He continued softly, almost in a whisper. "I think that he went through something bad. You said he's been missing for some years right? Who knows what could've happened to him in all that time... with those people including- possibly the man that stalked you."

"I- I'll tell you guys everything I know."

A/N: So as yall can see our Yang leader is Jiwon's twin brother who was kidnapped. hehe.

In one of the previous chapters, more specifically in chapter 4, I stated that Kimberly, Jiwon, and Hyunwoo are 03 liners but for some reason, I had been thinking Jungwon in real life was a 03 liner when that's Sunoo. 🙈 I know I am so dumb for mistaking that but I hope you guys forgive me and for the story, they will continue to be 03 liners with the new addition of Jungwon while Jay is the only 02 liner.

I'm sorry for my mistake!

Like always stay healthy, safe, and happy!

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