Chapter 2

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"Curt! Come on! Hurry up!" Owen called from the front door which he had wedged open with his foot.
"Give me a minute!"
"Your hair isn't going to matter if we're late!"
"We are not going to be late. Don't be so melodramatic."
Curt stepped out of the bedroom, casually strolling over to the door, much to Owen's annoyance.
"You know I love you, but right now I am this close to killing you," Owen said, closing the door and holding his pointer finger and thumb less than a millimetre apart.
"Aww, you're so sweet."
Owen shot Curt a mock glare before turning away to hide a smile. But not quickly enough for it to go unnoticed. Laughing, Curt slipped his arm through Owen's and leaned into him slightly as they walked to the car.

When they arrived at work, they were still practically leaning on each other to keep from falling over from laughing. But that soon came to a stop when they were called to Xander's office snd saw the grimace on his face.
"Morning, Xander," Owen said, sitting across from him.
"Everything all right?" Curt asked.
"Not exactly." He clasped his hands together on the desk.
"What's happened?" Owen asked.
He inhaled, biting his lip, "There's been another death at the park."
"Another one?" Curt raised his eyebrows.
"Yep. That's the seventh. This time was a guy shooting his fiancé with a rifle whilst she was trying to kill him with a baseball bat. And apparently they had just gotten engaged earlier that week."
"Jesus. Can you imagine? 'I love you, will you marry me?' A week later: 'Hi, I want to kill you,'" Owen said dryly.
"Don't be proposing any time soon," Curt said, making him blush.
"Anyway," Xander cut in, "I want you two to go to the park today and see what's going on."
"Right, okay. Do we sneak in or get tickets?"
"I think we'd look a little weird, two grown adults walking into a theme park."
"Well, one of us is a grown adult. One of us still has teddies called 'Rainbow' and 'Sparkles'."
Curt glared at Owen.
Xander just looked confused and mildly terrified. "Okay. Just sneak in. Now, before I have to listen to you two for another second."
They nodded and walked out of Xander's office and back down to the car and drove to the theme park.

The second they pulled up into the car park they both felt a chill go through them. They turned to one another, mirroring the dread in one another's eyes. Reluctantly, they stepped out of the car.
"This place is creepy as fuck," Curt said, pointing to a giant yellow eye with a purple iris on the sign, then gesturing to the array of eyes covering the walls.
"What sort of name is Watcher World for a theme park? That just makes it sound sinister."
"Over here!" Curt pointed to a small gap in the fence and Owen followed him through it.
Hiding in a bush at the side, they watched as people screamed on the rides and kids dragged their parents around the different stands.
"It all looks pretty normal," Curt said.
"You all right?"
"Uh-huh. I just really don't like this place," Owen said, his voice low and quiet.
"Atmosphere seems a little off."
Owen nodded.
"You wanna have a look around?"
"Let's do it."
Trying hard to blend into the crowd and seem inconspicuous, they manoeuvred their way through the crowds of people who all looked unnaturally happy until and eventually reached the back of a ride.
Owen ran his finger across a bar, painted bright yellow with not a speck of rust. "This doesn't look like it's been here long."
"Maybe the ride was built recently."
Owen gestured to a white metal plaque. "Here since 1996," he read out.
"It's probably just been cleaned recently."
Owen walked past Curt, his eyes vacant, to the back of another ride.
"This one's 1987," Curt said.
"This all just feels too clean. It doesn't feel-"
Then a shadow cast over both of them. Their hearts racing, they turned. They were met with a figure, about eight feet tall, which was covered with various shades of bright purple fur and had a singular yellow eye with a purple iris.
"You entered without paying the price," it said, sounding surprisingly calm.
"I- Um- We-" Curt stammered.
"You made Blinky sad."
"We- Uh..." Owen stepped back.
Then Blinky slowly leaned toward them, backing them further into the ride. He slowly half-shut his eye.
"Get out," he whispered menacingly.
"Curt, run!"
The two of them sprinted back to the gap in the fence and jumped back into the car, starting it instantly.
"What the fuck?" Owen said as he stared intently out the wind screen.
"What was that?"
"That was fucking horrifying, that's what that was."
"I hate this place."
"He seemed familiar."
Curt turned to Owen, "What do you mean?"
"I can't explain it. He just seemed sort of familiar. Not in a good way."
"What did he say his name was?"
"Blinky." Just saying it made Curt shiver.

"That didn't take you long," Xander remarked as they went back and sat across from him at the desk.
"That was bloody bizarre."
"It was creepy as fuck."
"What did you find?"
"Some unnecessarily tall purple bastard who said his name was Blinky found us whilst we were looking around and told us to get out."
"Also, everything seemed unnatural. It was too clean, everyone was too happy. It was creepy as fuck."
"Okay. I get it. It's creepy as fuck. So, you can't get in the park without this Blinky finding out, right?"
Owen nodded, "I was thinking surveillance cameras might be our best option."
"M-hm. Do that tomorrow, then."
Curt and Owen nodded before leaving Xander's office.
"I don't wanna go back there," Owen said.
"Don't worry. We'll only be outside. We don't need to see him again."

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