Chapter 5

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On Sunday morning, Curt was shocked when he woke up just past eleven and rolled over to see that Owen was still asleep. Usually, Owen didn't sleep in that late or he wouldn't sleep at night.
So, he decided that he would make pancakes for the two of them to have for breakfast. After dragging himself out of bed, he yawned as he walked through to the kitchen and got out the bowl and ingredients.
Ten minutes later, he walked back through to the bedroom to wake Owen up, but had to stop in the doorway when he saw that Owen was shaking. After standing for a few seconds, he kneeled at the side of the bed and lightly shook Owen's shoulder, waking him almost instantly.
"Owen, Owen, wake up!"
He rolled over to face Curt, squinting at the light before looking at Curt.
"What time is it?"
"Just past eleven."
"Crap. I should've been up by now."
"Owen, are you all right? You were shaking when I came in."
"I'm fine, Curt," he said shortly as he stood up.
"You sure?"
"I said I'm fine."
"Well," Curt stood up, following him into the kitchen, "I made pancakes."
Owen sighed as he turned back to Curt, "Sorry, I'm not in the best mood this morning."
"It's fine. Just sit down and we can have breakfast."
"Okay." Owen kissed Curt on the cheek before sitting down and putting on the TV.
Curt walked over with the pancakes, handing one plate to Owen and keeping one.
"So, any specific reason you're not in a great mood? Would this, perhaps, have anything to do with why you barely said two words to me when you got home from your sister's last night?"
"No, no, it's just that work's a little stressful. Don't worry, love." Owen gave Curt a forced smile.
He nearly let out a sigh of relief when Curt turned to the TV and he could let the smile drop.

After watching TV for a couple of hours, they decided to go for a walk by the river. The mid-summer sun danced along the surface and created shadows along the pale grey pavements that Curt and Owen walked along, hand in hand.
"This is nice. We've not done this in ages," Owen said, tilting his head contentedly as he turned to Curt.
"It is nice." Curt started to swing his arm slightly, bringing Owen's with it.
"Definitely need to make more time to do this."
"Like you were gonna make more time to read?" Curt raised his eyebrows.
"I meant it when I said it!"
"You've not read a full book since you said it, like, five years ago."
They started to walk again, but slower than they were before.
"Well, to be fair, I was unable for four of those years. And I miss it. I love just curling up for hours with a good book."
Curt shook his head slightly, "I've never understood people like that. The last book I read was Pride And Prejudice and that's because my English teacher said I'd fail my exam if I didn't at least try to understand it. Never hated a school assignment more."
"You're lucky. I wish we'd gotten to study Pride And Prejudice. Lord Of The Flies was not as enjoyable."
Curt turned to Owen, a look of disgust and confusion on his face. "Did you actually just say I'm lucky I got to-"
"Moving on, I don't want to hear this rant again. Felicity told me there's gonna be a sale on guitars next weekend."
Curt sighed, "You wanna go shopping next Saturday?"
"Please. I haven't bought a new guitar in over four years!" Owen's eyes pleaded with Curt.
"As long as you don't spend all day in the guitar shop and we get to the shops I want to go to as well. And when will you stop using that to get sympathy from me?"
"You really think I'd stop when it works?"
"I thought you might start to feel some level of guilt."
"Darling, I never feel guilty about getting what I want. As long as it doesn't hurt anybody else, of course."
"You act like four hours, conservatively, in a guitar shop doesn't hurt me."
"Four hours is conservative. Five is more realistic. And, don't lie, you enjoy looking at the pretty guitars."
"No, I like looking at the person playing the pretty guitars. But I can do that at home with the guitars you already have!"
"Well, we can go to Build-A-Bear after. Will that make you happy?"
"Okay, good. First guitar I'll have bought in over four years. Closer to five, actually."
Curt felt a little sorry for him for a second, before lightly pushing his shoulder. "Stop trying to get sympathy from me!"
"But I-"
"Stop it," Curt said sternly.
Owen laughed, "Fine. Fine, I'll stop."

After having dinner (spaghetti carbonara, cooked by Curt) they sat down on the couch and tried to decide on a movie.
"Curt, we're not watching Frozen Two! That shit's sad."
"But it's so good!"
"I know it is, love, but I'm not in the mood to cry tonight."
Curt sighed, "Fine. What about the first one?"
"Okay. Less sad and also the music is better."
"Excuse me, some of the-"
"I'm not denying that some songs in Frozen two are great, I'm just saying it couldn't quite beat the first one."
"Okay, to be fair, it is really good."
So, Owen put the movie on before discarding the remote on the coffee table and swung his legs up onto the couch, clasping his hands over them as they watched the opening.
Curt moved closer to him, bringing their hands closer together before trying to interlock their fingers.
When Owen looked startled before edging away slightly, Curt also moved away. Then he looked at Owen, slightly concerned. Most Saturday nights, they would watch movies together and one would end up asleep in the other's arms by the end. But, on this particular night, Owen was avoiding even holding Curt's hand.
He brushed it off and moved his focus back to the movie. But he couldn't help the concern in his eyes every time he looked over to Owen. He had always been very good at hiding when something was wrong.
Far too good.

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