Chapter 16

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'Curt, I don't think this is such a good idea.'
Curt sighed and turned round to face Owen. 'You heard Xander. He said I can go back to work tomorrow.'
'It's only been two weeks, Curt! Or did you just forget what happened?'
'Of course not. It's still vivid in my mind every time I try to sleep,' Curt snapped.
Owen winced, stepping back slightly.
Curt sighed again, 'Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap. I just... I don't feel like I can deal with this properly if I'm just sitting at home every day. Especially since you'll be starting back.'
'I told you I could wait longer!'
'And I said don't! If you wanna go back, you should. And so should I.'
'I wasn't shot, Curt!'
'Then how come it's starting to feel like you were and I wasn't? You seem to care an awful lot more than I do.'
'That's because I still possess a shred of common sense! I thought you changed after everything, but no, you're still just as bloody reckless as always!'
It was Curt's turn to wince and step back.
Owen's eyes widened. 'Curt- I- I didn't m-'
'I know exactly what you meant,' Curt said, his tone icy.
Grabbing his keys, he approached the front door.
'Curt, don't go. Just...' But he was too late. The door had already been slammed shut.
Owen threw his hands up and let his head roll back as he groaned exasperatedly.
'Why must he be so stubborn?' he muttered to himself as he walked over to the kitchen. Then he questioned why he was there and ultimately came to the conclusion that there was no reason other than that he didn't know where to go. Ever since he had gotten back, things had gone pretty smoothly between him and Curt. This was their first proper argument. He didn't quite know what to do.
So, instead of just walking around aimlessly for hours until Curt returned, he flopped down on the couch and quickly ended up asleep.

'You know, you had absolutely no right to say that.'
Owen awoke with a start when he heard Curt's slightly raised voice over the door slamming. 'W- What?'
Curt threw his jacket carelessly over a chair and stood in front of Owen, who sat up, rubbing his eyes. 'You have no right to make comments about me being reckless. Was I a little irresponsible in the past? Sure. But you know - you know - that is not what got you killed. That was those fucking alien bastards. And who was it that then helped save you from that place? And who saved you at Watcher World. And all you could do was call me an idiot for shooting myself! We would both have died, Owen! Did you ever consider that possibility? If I hadn't done that you would have been vaporised in Blinky's little... Whatever the hell that was. And he'd probably have killed me too. So stop thinking you'd be some sort of martyr, you'd just have-'
'Curt, Curt, stop. I know. I know it isn't your fault that I died. I know that you got me out of there. And I know that we could both have died at Watcher World. But you really can't blame me for not wanting to shoot you!'
'No, but I can blame you for still treating me like I did something wrong.'
'You're right. I'm sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. But do you have any idea how I felt? I thought you had died. I had to sit on the ground in that place, absolutely sobbing as you bled in front of me, not sure if I'd ever get the chance to speak to you again.' Owen didn't even notice the tears streaming down his face or the waver in his voice. 'Sure, I should have reacted differently and I am sorry about that. But can you please take a second to try to understand why I'm acting the way I'm acting before you storm out of the apartment and delay the argument until you're ready? You can't just run away until it's a good time for you.'
'Didn't seem like you were too bothered that I was gone. Or did you just fall asleep a few minutes before I got back? Because I doubt it.'
'No, I went to sleep because I couldn't bear to be awake knowing you were pissed at me and not willing to talk it out!'
'Well I'm ready to talk.'
'Well maybe I'm not.' Owen stood up, glaring at Curt as he approached their bedroom door.
'Oh, come on, don't be so fucking petty!'
'Fine. What exactly do you want to say?'
Curt gestured vaguely to the couch so they both sat down at opposite ends.
'I'm going back to work. I have my reasons for wanting to and, plus, it's my choice. I get that you're worried and I get why you're worried, but that doesn't mean you get to make my decisions for me. You've given me your reasons, I've listened and I have decided that I want to go back.'
Owen sighed, 'All right. Fair enough. I can't make your decisions for you. But I just don't understand why you're so adamant that you're going back considering the risks.'
'You would if you had actually let me talk rather than interrupting me and telling me it's just a bad idea, like you didn't want me to have a say in the matter.'
'I'm sorry if I came off as controlling or condescending. It's not an excuse, but you have to understand how hard it was to see you like that. And I've also no stopped seeing that night when I close my eyes. Or when they're open. But I shouldn't be taking that out on you. I'm sorry.'
Curt finally let his shoulders relax. 'Thank you. But I think I'm going to go back to sleeping out here for tonight.'
'Fair enough. I'm gonna go to bed now anyway. But, can I just ask first; Where did you go?'
'Nowhere. Just drove around.'
'Oh. Well, goodnight.'

'You ready to go?' Owen said quietly the next morning as Curt grabbed a jacket.
The drive to work was a quiet one. They were both still tense and, on top of that, Curt was a little nervous to go back. Not that he would admit it, of course.

'Curt, Owen, good to see you both,' Xander said as they sat in his office.
'Good to be back,' Curt said.
'You'll not be getting away from your desk for a while.'
Curt nodded, keeping his eyes off of Owen who he was sure would be visibly suppressing a smile. He wasn't wrong.
'I just need you two to help me look through some security camera footage today. Sorry it's a little boring but I figured you might want to take it easy.'
'Yeah,' Owen said, 'Thanks.'

'You want me to come over to your desk?' Curt asked.
'No, no, you stay there. I'll be over in a second. You get it loaded up.'
Curt gave a small nod and, a few seconds later, Owen was next to him. Uncomfortably close under the circumstances.
So, they just sat there for a couple of hours, occasionally pausing to take notes. Until the door opened just before lunch time and Xander came in.
'Guys, I hate to ask you to do this, but I've got nobody else available.'
'What's happened?' Owen asked hesitantly.
'John and Wilbur got captured. By Blinky.'


(A/N: None of that arguing was in the plan. This feels kind of weird writing an argument that they don't immediately make up for. Also I started posting a SAF incorrect quotes book lmao)

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