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"I remember..."

"Stay with me a little longer I will wait for you..."

-Ruelle, War of Hearts


Caroline POV

       I remember? Those were the last words Josie said before passing out. Alaric and Lizzie hold Josie's body. "Valerie! What did you do!" I look over at Valerie and she's looking back at me with a calm look. "I told you. We shouldn't have let her touch Josie." Valerie's head whips towards Alaric and he gulps audibly. "I didn't do anything. I just siphoned the spell and there was so much magic that I could possibly wipe out this whole town. Just from siphoning the spell off Josie." She tilts her head and looks at Josie curiously. "What did she mean by, I remember?"

     I bite my lip unsure whether I should reveal what I know. "Mom, what's with the face?" I look at Lizzie. "What do you mean? T-this is my normal face." She stares at me bored and I sigh. "Fine, I think I know what the powerful spell was." Everyone turns to look at me and I look at Valerie. "Touch me." Her cheeks turn pink and she looks away nervously. "Erm, W-why w-w-would- I m-mean w-whe.." "I mean touch me to see if the same powerful spell is also on me." Her stuttering stops and she looks at me and her cheeks are even redder.

    "Right." She touches my shoulder lightly and her face changes. She removes her hand quickly and says, "That's interesting. Why is the same spell on both of you?" I sigh again. "It's on all of us. Alaric, Lizzie, and all the kids at school." Alaric stands up and points an accusing finger at me. "Caroline, if you know anything about this or if you're a part of this you better say." "God Alaric I would never do anything to hurt the kids."

     I'm about to explain everything I know when Josie suddenly sits up. She looks around wildly before I kneel down next to her and hug her. 'You're okay. It's fine." She blinks before staring at me. "I need to go to New Orleans."


Hope POV

           "Hope! Penelope! Come down here!" I look at Penelope whose sleeping peacefully on my chest. I groan and I gently shake Penelope awake. "Wake up, love. My aunt wants us to go downstairs." She grumbles and rubs her nose cutely. She turns so that she's still laying on me but she's facing away. I shake my head and smile. I pick her up and start spinning. Her eyes open. "HOPE! What are you doing!" She tries to get out of my grasp but I only tighten it. "HOPE!" I sigh and put her down. She's glaring at me and I shrug. "You wouldn't get up." 

      She growls and I laugh. We walk hand-in-hand downstairs. When I see who's standing in the middle of the courtyard I freeze. "Hope Andrea Mikaelson! You have some explaining to do." I'm left speechless as Josie, the love of my life walks towards me. Once she's close enough she digs her finger into my chest. "You said you wouldn't go in." I'm fumbling for something to say and Caroline comes to my rescue. "Honey, it wasn't their fault." I look at her gratefully. 

     Before I can stop myself, I lunge towards Josie. It was like I couldn't control my body and it just acted on its own. She's tense in my hug but she soon melts into it. I feel Penelope join and I let myself drown at this moment. "I've missed you." I breathe in her scent. Josie pulls away but she still has our hands grasped tightly. We all have big dopey smiles on our faces as we look at each other. It's only then that I notice the tears in her eyes. "Don't cry, love." She shakes her head and says, "They're happy tears." I nod and I feel my smile widen. Josie's smile vanishes as quickly as it came and she stares at us.

     "What do you mean it wasn't their fault?" Josie looks at us confused and Penelope and I share a look. Here goes nothing. "We didn't mean to go in. Someone pushed us in." Everyone in the room except Caroline looks shocked. "Who was it?" I take a deep breath but before I can say who Penelope speaks up. "It was Jade." Josie immediately starts shaking her head while saying, "No, it couldn't be her. She's so sweet. No way she's capable of doing that." She looks down while shaking her head and muttering the words over and over again. 

      She looks up and looks at Penelope. "That's why you bit her. You were mad at her for pushing you in." "Yeah, I mean she pushed me in and then started dating you. I think I had a right. Plus, she didn't even die, I gave her Hope's blood." Penelope doesn't look guilty one bit. Josie's gaze shifts to me. "The wound that you got from Ladon, you got it when you were in Malivore didn't you." I nod. "We met him a few days before we got spit out."

     I can visibly see the gears turn in her head as she connects all the dots. "Why didn't you stay?" "Josie, you have to underst-" "No! Why didn't you stay? Why didn't you tell me? You know I found out about you guys from your journal Penelope. Yes, that journal." She has tears coming out of her eyes and I can feel the break-down coming. "Why didn't you guys stay? Why didn't you tell me the truth." I open my mouth to explain our reasoning but before I can she lets go of our hands and pushes us roughly away. She then runs out of the courtyard and past the big gates. "Josie!" I shout but she's gone. "I'll go make sure she's okay." Lizzie leaves and Penelope and I are left staring at thin air where our lover was a few moments before. 

      "What is all the noise?" Aunt Rebekah starts walking down the stairs. Once she looks up she freezes. "Valerie?" A brunette looks up at the stairs and she stares at my aunt. "Rebekah?"

A/N: Hi loves! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you have any suggestions, ideas, or questions please comment them.

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