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"Happy Ending"

"To me, you are perfect."




     Penelope and Hope lay the kids together on my bed. They both turn around to face Josie. "Er, is everything okay?" She asks. "Of course. We just have something to tell you." Penelope and Hope look at each other before looking back. Hope takes a deep breath and lets it all out. "We asked Valerie if we could like, keep Alexander and Reigna." "oh," is all Josie says. "Yeah," Penelope sighs. "I just really want to help them and I can relate to them so much and- and." "Hope, it's okay. You don't need to explain it to me. I'd love to keep them." She runs up and they all connect in a hug.

    "Good, cause that would be really awkward." Everyone laughs at Penelope's joke. Penelope pulls away and smoothes out the wrinkles in her skirt. She goes to her closet and pulls something out. She keeps it in her hands behind her back. "Okay, so I have something to say." Josie and Hope look at each surprised. "So I know we haven't been together for long, and we had the whole Malivore and forgetting thing. But when we were apart, I felt like shit. Whenever I'm around you guys, I'm happy and I smile so much more. You guys make me feel like a part of a family and I've never really felt that. I never want to be apart from you guys. I don't want just a year or 10 years, I want forever."

    She gets down on one knee. Josie's hands fly to her mouth while Hope stares stunned. Penelope reveals what was in her hands. Two shiny black boxes sit in her palms. She uses magic to open them revealing two simple bands. "So, I wanted to ask, Hope Andrea Mikaelson and Josette Olivia Saltzman, would you give me the pleasure of being my wives?" "YES!" Josie screams. Josie runs to Penelope and hugs her. They stay like that until Hope joins in. "Of course, love. I was wondering when you would ask." The trio hug with happy tears dripping down their faces.


1 month later

Rebekah POV

      "Are you nervous?" "Of course." I look at my niece with pride. She's wearing a nice white pantsuit that has a slit down the middle that shows her inner boob. She's wearing white to represent the color of her wolf's fur. I see Hope wipe her hands on her pants. "You sure you're not nervous?" "I'm not. Just what happens if I mess up my words, or I slip, or I do something stupid." "Stop, stop, stop. You're not going to make any mistakes. Everything will fall into place and it'll be perfect. Trust me." "Is that what happened with you and Valerie?" "Yup." Valerie and I had gotten married a week ago. 

     When I told the family everything they all accepted Valerie and Cami into the family. Even though Cami was already in the family. We just made it official. We had another addition to the family. The girls had adopted Alexander and Reigna and they were all a happy family. "Okay, come here. I need to do your hair." She sits in front of me and I start braiding her hair. I lay intricate braids on top of each other. "Is everyone here?" "Yes, Hope. Everything's fine. You need not worry about it." "Okay," she sighs. I finish and sit back. I put a hand on her back. "Stop worrying. If you keep worrying you'll miss the moment." She looks back at me. "I won't."


Caroline POV

      "Am I wearing this right?" I look at Penelope. "Yes." It had been a while since Hope restored everyone's memories. We had kicked Jade of the school saying if she ever came back we would kill her. I think that motivated her to never come back. I look at Penelope who's wearing a two-piece black pantsuit. The top cuts short so her stomach shows and the pants cling to her legs. She's wearing black to represent the color of her wolf's fur. Hope and Penelope came up with the idea. Penelope sighs. Her hair is curled to perfection. "Okay, I'll say this here and this here, no I should say this first." She erases something on her paper and scribbles something else. 

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