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"Broken beyond repair"

"Then show me!"

-Cami from The Originals


Hope POV

    I jolt awake and I look around my familiar room. I sigh as I realize I was just dreaming. Josie doesn't remember and I just dreamed everything up. But, why would my mind think of Valerie, I mean we haven't talked since I was little. And the guy with the Oni? I don't even know what an Oni is. An idea forms in my mind and I try to get out of bed without waking Penelope but my hopes are crushed as I see her move. 

    She looks up groggily and I smile at how cute she is. "Where are you going?" She asks. "I just need to ask my aunt something. I'll be right back, love." I smile at her as she drops her head. She starts snoring immediately. 

    I walk out of the room and I make my way towards my aunt's room. I knock on the door and it swings open. "Hope!" My aunt Freya looks at me surprised. "What are you doing here?" "I just wanted to ask you something." I play with the hem of my shirt nervously. "Is it possible for a witch to dream of the future?" My aunt tilts her head and says, "It's possible. But it would have to be a powerful witch and if it did happen the dream should happen within a few days. They can't see very far into the future." 

     So if I'm correct, Josie might remember me in a few days. "Alright, thanks!" I close the door quickly and I make my way back to my room. I decide not to tell Penelope just in case I'm wrong and I don't want to bring her hopes up. 

               I get back in bed and Penelope turns away from me. I chuckle at her movement. I wrap my arm around her waist and I cuddle closer to her. I close my eyes and wait for sleep to come. 


Josie POV

          After our lunch with the Oni and the surprise showing of Valerie, we go back to the school. She says she needs our help and my mom gladly agreed to help. But I can tell my dad isn't really happy with her decision. We're sitting in my mom's office and Valerie starts talking.

     "Since Josie seems to know my story do you know who Nora and Mary Louise are?" I nod. "Were you aware that they had 2 children?" Everyone looks at Valerie dumbfounded. "I'm guessing that means you were not aware." She lets us get a grip and when we come back she keeps going. "I know Caroline and Alaric know this but do the twins? Do guys know about the Armory?" I nod. "It's horrible what Alex did to Nora and Mary Louise." Valerie nods sadly at my words.

      "Well, Alex has their children. Alexander and Reigna. They're siphoner twins from a very special coven. They come from a coven made of hybrids, half-witch, and half-werewolf. I came to ask if you could help me get Alexander and Reigna out."

     I nod eagerly. "I want to help." I raise my hand. Lizzie sighs and says, "Fine, I'll help." My mom puts her hand reassuringly on Valerie's hand. "Of course we'll help. But, we're not going to do this alone. We need the help of two special girls." Valerie asks, "Who?" "They used to go to our school but they left a few days ago." My heart drops as I realize who she's talking about. "Mom, they're nothing special, we could just get any werewolf from school." She shakes her head. "I will not argue. Let's go to New Orleans."


Hope POV

          "Hope! Get down here!" My aunt's voice is loud as she shouts for me. "COMING!" I scream back waking Penelope in the process. She shakes awake and looks around. "Wh-what?" I shake my head and smile. "Nothing, my aunt is just calling for us." She nods and quickly gets out. We walk down the stairs hand-in-hand. I look up from the stairs just to see what my aunt wants but I freeze immediately when I see who's standing in the middle of the courtyard. It's exactly like my dream.

       But instead of Josie walking angrily towards us with her memories I'm met with a scalding glare directed and Penelope and me. So I guess I did dream everything up. I tug Penelope down the stairs since she's too busy staring at Josie. I pull her close to me and whisper, "Stop staring, she doesn't remember." 

     I take in the group of people in the courtyard. There's Alaric who's eyeing the compound suspiciously, and Caroline who's looking at Penelope and me sadly. Then there's Lizzie who's looking at her nails probably bored out of her mind and Josie who's giving us the death glare. But there's someone standing next to her. A brunette that seems vaguely familiar. I ignore her though as I stare at Josie.

     My mind tells my body not to do something stupid but I can't help myself. I lunge at Josie while tugging Penelope with me. I vamp into my room before anyone can react. Josie wretches her hand out of my grip and my hand feels cold. "What is your problem? You can't just take kidnap me. And how were you that fast?"

     Shit. I didn't think of that. Whatever too late now. I shrug. "It's not important." She points a finger at me and says, "Yes it is. You two are hiding things and if you want us to trust you then you need to tell the whole truth. Like why you both are so cold and rude to others, or why you guys are so secretive. If you want to go to our school then we need to know everything. Like how do I know that the story about how you triggered your curses is true? I can't because I don't trust you. We need to know what you've gone through so we can help you."

My temper flares and I speak without thinking. "If you knew even a fraction of what we've gone through it'll shatter you so much that you'll be broken beyond repair." That shuts her up quickly and she just stares wordlessly at us. "Then tell me!" I look at Penelope and her eyes glisten with tears. "How about I show you!" I grab her neck with both my hands and I let the memories flow through my hands. I watch her face change as vivid memories flash through her mind.


Penelope POV

             Hope lets go and Josie falls to the floor. "Do you trust us now?" I look at Josie sadly. She has tears streaming down her face and she's visibly shaking. I kneel down next to her and hug her. She sobs into my arms. "I-I'm s-s-sorry." Her body shakes with silent sobs and I just hold her. "It's okay, I forgive you." Hope crouches down next to us and joins in on the hug. "I'm sorry for getting angry. You know I love you though, right?" Josie nods in our arms. 

       Our little moment is ruined by Alaric bursting through the room. Caroline follows quickly. Everyone files into our room and looks at us. Once Caroline sees the scene she pauses. We lock eyes and she points at Josie and mouths, "She remembers?" I nod. I hear her sigh. Alaric on the other hand starts yelling. "What the hell is wrong with you? I knew it. Can't trust people who are connected to the Mikaelsons!" He starts ranting about some random stuff but I tune him out as I revel in the fact that I'm holding Josie again.

       A sharp clicking sound reaches my ears and I tilt my head trying to figure out what the sound is. Rebekah comes into view and she looks around the room. "What the bloody hell is all this nois-" She freezes as she looks at the group of people. I follow her gaze to a brunette that I don't recognize. I look back at Rebekah who's staring at the other girl. She says something under her breath but I catch it. "Valerie?"

A/N: Hi loves! SO, Josie remembers and Rebekah somehow knows Valerie. Also a Klope parallel. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you have any suggestions, ideas, or questions please comment them. 

I also have a Tiktok account where I post edits and currently a marvel story. So if you want to check it out my account is rockssand316. Go check it out!

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