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"Until death do us part."

-Idk, so many people say this that I don't know who said it first


Josie POV

      The intro to Teen Wolf plays as I watch. I've been looking for a show and since Hope and Penelope watched Teen Wolf with me it looked interesting so I wanted to watch it. It's been really good and I'm on season 3. I don't really know who the Darach is and neither do the characters. I'm thinking it's someone we don't yet. Also, the pack of alphas is cool. Ethan and Aiden are my favorite. I mean, if I'm being honest with myself, they're pretty hot and I would totally date them. Although they do have a problem with anger management. Eh, whatever. Theories circulate in my head about who the Darach is and how the season will end. 

     I look at my phone and I see the time. I have the extra class in an hour so I close my laptop and get out of bed. "Getting ready for class?" I look over at Lizzie who's sitting on her bed with a metal bowl in hand. She has a stick and she occasionally hits the bowl to calm her down. "Yeah, do you need anything?" She hits the bowl and it releases a low note. "No, I was just checking." I nod as I change. That's weird, Lizzie never asks me stuff like that. She usually only asks me if she needs something but since she said she didn't, I'm a little suspicious. 

    I finish changing into blue jeans and a white turtleneck. I get my bag and I stuff my notebooks in. I say bye to Lizzie and then I head to Mr. Smith's class. As I walk, my mind wanders to a certain auburn-haired girl and a raven-haired girl. I want to hate them but I can't. It's like my mind is telling me to stay away but my heart is pulling me towards them. I groan as I think of what I just said. My heart? Whatever. But as hard as I try to get them out of my head the more they come back. I wonder what they're doing right now. Are they on a date? Are they dancing and singing together? I wonder.


Hope POV

         "What sound does a koala make?" I tilt my head and internally laugh at what Penelope and I are about to do. We're sitting at the dinner table with my family. Everyone's eating and listening to our conversation. "I don't knew." Right when the words left my mouth everyone looked at me.   "It's not I don't knew, it's I don't knowing." I break a little and I smile. I wait for someone in my family to say something. Aunt Freya opens her mouth to say something. "You're both wrong." Penelope and I look at her and say, "Then what is it?" 

    She looks at us as if we're dumb. "I don't know." I roll my eyes and say, "Then why the fuck would you say anything if you don't know." She puts her hands up in defense and says, "No, the answer is I don't know." Penelope shakes her head and says," If you don't know, how do you know we're wrong?" She fumbles for an answer but just settles on glaring at us. "Yeah, Freya. How do you know they're wrong." Uncle Kol joins in. "For all you know, you're wrong. I mean it wouldn't be the first time." I laugh at Aunt Freya's face as Aunt Rebekah talks. "No, I'm trying to tell them that the correct way to say is  I don't know," Aunt Freya says desperately. "Jeez Freya, we know you don't know. You don't need to keep repeating it." I lost it at Aunt Davina's words. I just burst out laughing which triggered Penelope into laughing. After that, we're off the ledge and everyone falls into endless laughter.

     It got so bad that Aunt Freya almost fell off her chair. I high-five Penelope and Aunt Freya stops laughing to glare at us. We both stop smiling and say, "Sorry." I continue eating and once I finish I go into the kitchen to bring out the beignets. As I walk, my thoughts revolve around a special brunette. I wonder what she's doing. I feel arms snake around my waist and she pulls me close to her. "What are you thinking about?" Penelope's so close I can feel her breath on my ear. She's resting her head on my chin. I sigh. "Josie." She turns me around and looks at me. "I know. I can't get her out of my head. I just miss her too fucking much. But she's happy and we don't want to ruin it. That's why we left." I nod along as she talks. "I know, but I would give anything to just hug her without her hating me. Or thinking about all the things I'm hiding from her. I just want to hug her like before. I want her to melt into my embrace."  

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