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10 hands, 10 weeks. All that's left behind of the body is one hand completely mangled and mutilated, and that's not even mentioning the bloodied spork left behind at the scene and Shinobu frankly doesn't understand why or what is doing this, luckily she has her husband to help distract her, along with a conversation with Muichiro to get her wondering if there's more to this case then it first seems.


To say Shinobu was stressed would be an understatement of her current mood. 7 weeks ago she had been addressed to a case about randomly mangled and mutilated hands appearing each week, along with a bloodied spork accompanying the crime, she wasn't the only one who was put on it, it was also Giyuu, Muichiro, and Tengen, a strange assortment but a team nonetheless. A team that was currently a team of two, Giyuu and Muichiro havening already quit, Giyuu first then Muichiro more recently. Personally, she wouldn't blame them, this case made her want to quit sometimes yet she persisted. And here she was stressing over her desk about this silly case, or at least it should be a silly one yet it isn't.

"Are you still working on that case?" And there he was Giyuu Tomioka, her husband along with one of her previous partners in this case coming in to check on her like usual.

"Hm? Which one do you mean?" Shinobu responded, tilting her head upwards at him, her face softening slightly. He vaguely gestured with his hands, "The hand one," he prompted with raised brows.

"Ah yes, that one," She sighed, "well to answer that question yes, I still am." He leans against the back of her chair, letting his hand make his way up to the headrest and laying his forearms across it. "I don't know why you stay on it, it's not like your going to solve it,"

"Are you doubting my ability to solve this case?" Shinobu questioned with a quirked brow.

"I'm not doubting your ability but even Tokito couldn't solve it and he's solved a notorious amount of crimes despite his age," He spoke, laying his hands on her shoulder and kneading into his shoulder and trying to work out all the knots in her shoulders.

"True but he's still a teen so you can't judge it on that and keep on doing that- that's really nice." Giyuu let out a hum and kept massaging her shoulder

"For someone who doesn't talk much you sure are good with your hands, I'm not sure what I expected though,"

"You can blame drawing for that,"  He offhandedly responds. "Morely thank drawing, you could be a good masseuse did you know that?"

"I think I'm going to stay a demon slayer instead," He answered, stopping his massage and planting his hands flat against her shoulder instead.

Her lips curved up into a lazy smirk as she tilted her head back up at him, she reached up and lightly gripped at the hair of the nape of his neck and pulling him down into a kiss, their lips slotting together like puzzle pieces as she felt her head go a little fuzzy and warm at the feeling. She pulled away with that same smirk.

"A 'demon slayer' don't you mean detective dear?" She inquires with the tiniest tilt of her head, reaching on her hand backward and twirling a strand on his hair on her finger, and giving it a slight tug, pulling his face towards her for another kiss.

"Yes," He nods, "We're cops and detectives, not demon slayers," She says pulling him in for a peck on the lip.

"I'd say otherwise with the name of the place we work at,"

"Demon Slayer Corps, of course, a strange name for a detective and cops agency, don't you think?" He says in between another kiss on the lips. "Most people describe or view criminals as demons, it fits,"

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