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The investigation continues and we get a view into an adverse amount of perspectives. 

A/N: P.O.V's between Makomo and Sabito will shift every chapter, you'll be able to tell easily though. Mostly because Sabito is so much fun to write.


Maybe he knew that would happen, maybe he knew that he would get kidnapped and he didn't tell her. That's why he made that grand gesture before he left, he knew this would happen.

Or maybe he knew in advance, that's why he wanted me to get off the case so it wouldn't happen.

Maybe she's just assuming things, she's always had a tendency to overthink things. Or maybe he knew, maybe he just wanted her not to suffer through this and if she had quit the case none of this would happen and once again, it's all her fault. "Please... Come back..." But no matter how hard she cries, she knows that it won't be enough to bring him back.


Uzui looked at both of us then shifted his weight onto one foot, placing a hand on his hip opposite to the side the weight was distributed to. He raised his brows at us. "So you're Tomioka's friends?" Makomo just glared at him, it was very tempting honestly but I didn't. "Can't say I'm surprised,"

"Can say I'm surprised they have someone as flashy as you working here," I extended my hand out to him with what I'm sure was a charming grin. "Name's Sabito, that's my girlfriend Makomo, you gotta hook me up with your tailor sometime, honestly,"

His even flashier grin grew bigger, reaching his eyes, he nodded in some form of acknowledgment. "I see you got some taste man, names Uzui Tengen,"

"Got anything to share about the case you're currently on?" He leans down to meet both of us because my god, he's tall. 

"What's it to you?" Makomo glowered at him and I watched with amusement cause this is going to be beautiful if he says the wrong thing.

"As one of his childhood best friends, ALONG WITH someone who was OFFERED his position before him and as someone who CURRENTLY works here with someone who was also OFFERED his current position I think we're more qualified than you, yeah?" Oh, fuck yes. 

 My main man Tengen holds up his hands in what is probably false surrender and looks at her wide-eyed. "Alright alright, I'm not trying to offend you, just making sure, this case is a high confidential one y'know?"

"What about his intern?" Makomo presses on, ignoring what he said, I look down at her and raise a brow. "What about his interns?" She looks back up at me. "Surely they'll have some interesting input in it," I nodded back, y'see, this is why you date smart people, because when you have no fucking idea what you're doing, then they'll probably have a better one and if they don't then you can make fun of them for it.

"What about his wife?"

"I uh- don't think she's taking questions right now," Makomo crossed her arms, lips pressed into a thin line, another good thing is that she knows when to get straight to the point, or cut in because although yes, buttering up a witness is good which is where I come it, knowing when it's enough is also as important, and I love her for it. My own angle.

Typo included.

"I think I'll be deciding that."

God, I love her.


It turns out, finding the connection between a spork and a murder case is much harder than one would expect, Shinobu was currently learning that while working together with Muichiro about it. 

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