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Everyone's day at work.


Shinobu is currently waiting, waiting, and waiting and waiting. For who you might ask? Well for her current partner on the case of course. They had ended up finding another clue, a blade if you will, a blade that was described as 'ugly as helllll'. Personally, she did not understand how that was possible, or if it was even possible but hey, who knows what's really possible at the end of things? Anything, if you really think about it. Uzui could be the judge of that, he was the person she was waiting for in this Forensics Lab for after all.

She tapped her foot against the cold wooden floor, arms folded and lips curled into a slight pout. What is taking him so long? She asked herself, whipping her head around and getting no answers. She walked over to the blinds that peered into the other parts of the agency and spotted nothing, she sighed, backing up and leaning against the table. Eventually, she gets bored and starts to walk around the table, humming a tune as she waits to hear the creak of the door. Then, she does.

The door creaks open, they really need to either oil it or get it replaced, and she turns towards it, with a roll of her eyes. It took him long enough, she bitterly thought. "Hey, Uzui-san, what took you so lon- Tokito-san?" She blinked, then blinked once more trying to make sure she wasn't seeing things. Yes, that was Muichiro and not Uzui. He probably just walked in, she thought.

"Yes?" The teen answered, looking up at her. "Tokito-san, what're you doing here?"

"I'm back on the case," She quirked a brow at him. "Why though? I thought you quit for good,"

"Something told me to join again,"

"Was it me not quitting it?"

"I dunno," The younger boy shrugged, an indifferent expression on his face. He walks up to the table in the middle, on the table is an assortment of different items but the thing that sticks out is a sealed black bag with white writing. Muichiro stares at it as if he's trying to burn holes into it.

"What do we have here?" The young boy asks, craning his head down at the bag. "Well we have this blade, it was described as 'ugly as hell' and neither of us has seen it so we'll have to be the judge of that." Shinobu walks towards the table, grabbing the black gloves and slipping them on in a swift movement. She turns towards the teen with a quirked brow. "You have some gloves, right?" 

He nods, "Mmm, they're in my bag,"

"Well, get them out," she responds. "I will," As she reaches for the black bag on the table, Tokito reaches into the dark brown bag hanging over his shoulder, unclipping the locks and picking out the gloves, slipping them off with ease; he plants the bag flat on the table. She took out the blade, having to resist recoiling in disgust at the simple sight of it. Her face scrunched up, brows furrowing as she held it away from her.

"Damn this thing is ugly as hell," She gripped and Muichiro looked up from his gloves and immediately greeted his teeth. "That's what I was thinking,"

"Uzui-san is so lucky he isn't here to see it,"

"Agreed," Muichiro nods, and speak of the devil, and they doth appear the door swings open, and in walks in Tengen Uzui, the man who associates/the head of sound-related cases, or, flashy ones he labeled as 'flamboyant'

"Oi, sorry I was late, one of my wives called me," As if to signify his point he waved his phone in his hand, then, promptly, stuffed it into his pocket.

"Oh it's nothing," Shinobu dismisses with a wave of her hand, "Didn't even notice you were late," Muichiro shrugged, staring up at the man with an uninterested expression. Uzui let out a quiet snicker, placing his hands on his hips as he walked towards them. "So what'd I miss?" He craned down at the two, loudly grinning as he peered at what they were doing, she gave him a side glance, swatting his head away as she pulled the blade out of his view. "Put on your gloves if you want to see the blade,"

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