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- 3 months later -

EastRidge , Tennessee

"I hate this nigga Ricky so much." D'mir fussed throwing his water bottle in the trash can

"You just ass. How you got a famous basketball player in your family but cant play the shit yourself?" Ricky said with a laugh and D'mir squinted his eyes at him

"We ain't 4 lifers no more." D'mir said shaking his head and Ricky wrapped his arm around D'mirs shoulders

"Yes we are, you must not know what 4 lifers mean dick head." Ricky said and D'mir shrugged his arm off of him

"Ricardo." Ricky heard making him look in the direction his name was being called from

He saw D'lani making him smile but frowned seeing she wasnt smiling

"What's the problem?" Ricky asked walking towards her

"You left me to go play stupid ass basketball. " D'lani said and Ricky leaned in and gave her a kiss

"I got bored, you fell asleep. " Ricky said and D'lani rolled her eyes

D'lani felt her phone vibrate in her pocket

She pulled it out seeing it was an incoming face time call from Zee, she smiled knowing that he was hoe from jail now.

"I'll be back." D'lani said quickly then she leaned up and kissed Ricky on his lips making a blush appear across his face

D'lani hurriedly answered the phone as she went into her room and locked the door

"Why you ain't answer the first time I called?" Zee asked her staring in her face

"I was outside and I left my phone in the house." D'lani said with a bright smile on her face

"Why you smiling so hard? You missed me?" Zee asked with a smirk on his face

"Ofcourse I missed you," she said poking her bottom lip out

"I missed yo ass too, pull up real quick." Zee said licking his lips

"Okay, give me 15 minutes." D'lani smiled brightly before hanging up

She grabbed her Nike bag to put some clothes in it

She left out her room slinging the bag on her shoulder..

"Momma! Daddy!" D'lani called out looking for one of her parents

"You got that loud mouth shit from Taylor, I know you did." Karter said as he mugged D'lani

"Where you going?" Karter asked raising his eyebrow

"Can I go to Fantasia house?" D'lani asked nervously, Karter squinted his eyes and tilted his head at her

"Nah." Karter said starting to walk off.

"Daddy, Really? Please." D'lani said frowning

"What for? Its summer so you ain't got no test to study for." Karter said crossing his arms over his chest

" I'll do the dishes for a month.." D'lani said

"Stop tryna bribe me, I'm not a child." Karter said mugging her

"Oh my God!" D'lani huffed and she stomped her foot

"Why you still In my face?" Karter mugged her again

"Ricky, mommy said make me something to eat." Aiko said slapping his leg making him groan in annoyance

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