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EastRidge , Tennessee

"D'sir get off of me!" D'lani yelled as he grabbed her foot and dragged her off her bed

"Momma!" D'lani yelled as D'sir continued to drag her by her foot out her room

"MOMMA!" D'lani yelled again

" I am not playing with you, get off me!" D'lani yelled kicking D'sir with her free foot

"DADDY!" D'lani yelled and D'sir started to drag her down the stairs

"D'sir, I swear to god you do too much." D'lani said as laid in the middle of the floor after he let her go

"You did Allat for no reason." D'lani said standing up and she punched him in his chest

"You do the most. You get on my nerves." D'lani huffed

"Yo mad ass." D'sir said

"Come chill in the living room with us." D'sir said walking in the living room, D'lani sighed before following him

She saw her other brothers and Ricky

She sat down on the chair that wasnt occupied

"What movie we watching, and it gotta be comedy." D'mir said

"Why it gotta be fucking comedy?" Ricky asked

"Cause we always watch scary movies, I'm to big to be sleep with my momma and daddy." D'mir said shaking his head

"We watching a scary movie." D'arius said grabbing the remote out of D'mir hand

"I'm sleeping in yo bed tonight." D'mir said mugging D'arius

"Why you ain't invite Nikki?" D'mir asked and Ricky looked at him and D'mir made a yikes face

"My bad..." D'mir said stuffing popcorn in his mouth

"This why we dont watch movies with Mir. Cause for one, he take all the fucking popcorn." D'sir said

"Bitch, D'arius cant even eat popcorn and you just greedy. You always want what I got." D'mir said rolling his eyes

"Can yall hurry up and pick a movie." D'lani said

"We is, mind your business." D'mir said

"I will reach across this room and smash that bowl in ya fucking mouth." D'lani said to D'mir

"Violent ass." D'mir mumbled

"Where Momma nem go?" D'lani asked

"To go see pop pop, grandfather and grandmother grave." D'sir answered

"Why we couldn't go." D'lani said frowning and D'sir shrugged his shoulders

"The way they describe Tremani, I just picture him as a 5'4 nigga with a bad temper." D'mir said nodding his head and Ricky laughed

"And then I picture Grandma Siah as some girl who was awkward as fuck." D'mir said

"He ain't short, Khalil and Grandma Parker got pictures in they house of them, like when they were young and shit." D'arius said

"I dont know what Gene's yall got but I know I got Rasiah Gene's cause I look the fuck good." D'lani said and they mugged her

"You thought you looked good." D'arius said laughing

"You thought that was funny. Bitch pick a movie." D'lani said rolling her eyes

D'arius picked a movie and they all relaxed as they stared at the TV

D'lani got up and went in to the kitchen

Ricky looked up and eyed her as she did so

He sighed thinking if he should go in there and confront her about how she acted towards Nikki or would that just be an excuse cause he just wanted to talk to her.

He got up and walked into the kitchen also , D'lani looked up from the fridge and looked at him leaning back on the counter watching her

"Why you act like that towards Nikki?" Ricky asked, even though this was gonna basically start a mini argument, he still got to talk to her.

"Why you bring her to my house?" D'lani asked grabbing a pickle

"I'm talking about how you was being petty towards her two weeks ago." Ricky said

"She told you to confront me?" D'lani asked

"That dont matter if she did or of she didnt. You knew what you was doing." Ricky stated.

"I asked her a simple question. She got smart. She lucky she didnt get hit with a brick." D'lani said shaking her head,

"She felt like you was tryna play her." Ricky said and D'lani scoffed

"If I was tryna play her, I would've said way more." D'lani said rolling her eyes

Ricky sighed

"You keep sighing over there. What's yo problem?" D'lani asked tilting her head

"You. Me." Ricky said and D'lani eyebrows raised knowing what he was getting to, they stood there in silence before D'lani decided to speak up.

"You happy?" D'lani asked and Ricky jaw clenched before he answered

"Yea." He responded and she walked out the kitchen leaving him there by himself.


I said I was gonna be back in two weeks? Lol I lied 🙄

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