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EastRidge , Tennessee

"School starts soon and I dont know what the fuck imma do." Ricky sighed

"What else can you do? Go to school dick face." D'mir said looking at him like he was stupid

"What if I was suicidal?" Ricky asked holding back a laugh

"Then I'll hope you'll leave me some money for being the realest nigga ever" D'mir said and Ricky shook his head

"How you and the fake onika?" D'mir asked referring to Nikki, they've been seeing each other for two months now and Ricky was happy about it.

"She isn't a fake onika. She cool though. I cant believe I let her take my virginity." Ricky said shaking his head

"Ion hope you planned on being a virgin forever." D'mir said

"Sex is not Allat." Ricky said and D'mir looked at him like he was stupid

"Bro? What?, just wait till you find a bitch real nasty. Best sex ever." D'mir said nodding his head

"Ya birthday coming up." Ricky said changing the subject

"That shit is in November, its only fucking May." D'mir said

"I understand why you and your siblings act the way yall act. Yall fucking Sagittarius. " Ricky said with a disgusted look

"You think a scorpio any better? Yall the most toxicest , unloyest people on earth." D'mir said

"Nah, you mad cause that Shelly shordy cheated on yo ass last week." Ricky said laughing

"And you mad cause Lani left you for a nigga name Zebra cake, youn hear me spreading it around though." D'mir said and Ricky mugged him making , D'mir laugh loudly

"Yo, I got some shit to tell yall." D'sir said coming into D'mirs room with D'arius , they closed the door behind them making sure to lock it

"What you mean?" Ricky asked and D'sir sighed

"Cherry talking bout she pregnant with MY baby. " D'sir said and D'mir and Ricky eyes went wide

"Momma and Daddy is gon whoop yo ass!" D'mir said laughing and D'sir looked at him like he was stupid

"You fucking idiot, I ain't the only one who fucked her." D'sir and D'mir frowned

"You think it's my baby?" D'mir asked and D'sir shrugged his shoulders

"Yea the fuck right. Who the fuck gon get that crazy bitch pregnant? Not me, I wrapped it before I tapped it. Like I always do." D'mir said and they all looked at D'arius

"I ain't fuck that crazy bitch no more after that one time." D'arius said shaking his head

"Its probably Ricky's " D'mir said jokingly and Ricky face dropped

"I aint even fuck her." Ricky said shaking his head

" its D'sir's." D'mir said

"Or yours. " D'sir said

"Well if one of yall dont hurry up and find out who the fucking father is." D'arius said

"That bitch is fucking loco. She will come here looking for us." D'sir said sighing heavily

"Not us bitch. You." D'mir said and D'sir mugged him

"How long you haven't fucked the bitch?" D'sir asked

"I been with Shelly for like 3 months." D'mir responded

"If it is mine, how I'm gonna tell Momma and nem." D'sir said

"Better tell them when the baby pop out, just say you ain't know and she just now telling you. Simple. " D'mir said and they all looked at him

"Fuck yall looking at." D'mir mugged them

"Because bitch that was some thoughtful well planned shit, ain't no way you brainstormed that quick. You been thinking bout this shit forever." D'arius said and D'mir mugged them

"You tryna call me dumb onna low. Which I am not, and yes it was plan cause you never know." D'mir said and they shook their heads at him

"You told Lani?" D'mir asked and Ricky cringed of her name being mentioned

"No, she not even here." D'sir said and Ricky shook his head

Ricky's phone dinged making him stand up

"Imma fuck with yall later." Ricky said , "where the fuck you going? You ain't got no friends." D'mir said and Ricky squinted his eyes at him

"Fuck you. And Nikki outside. " Ricky said walking out the room and the others followed him

"Hi babyyyy." Nikki dragged as soon as she saw Ricky, she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him into a kiss

"Hi Nikkiiii." The three boys dragged and Ricky shook his head grabbing Nikki's hand

Nikki waved at them

"Dont break his heart." D'mir said squinting his eyes at her

"Gay." D'arius said shaking his head

"I' am so tired of yo loud mouth traintrack teeth having ass." D'mir said and they both started to argue.

"Shut the fuck up. Go home." Karter said to them and they looked at him

"We fucking live here." D'mir said with his face scrunched up

"What Bill's you pay bitch? You pay the light bill in this mother fucker? I dont think you do." Karter said then he slammed the door shut leaving them all outside.

"See what you did." D'arius said to D'mir shaking his head

"He not gon leave us out here, shut the fuck up." D'mir said and Ricky shook his head along with D'sir.


Hello, 😛 D'lani and Nikki should meet. Hahahaha

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