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EastRidge , Tennessee


"Give me the remote please?" D'lani asked D'arius and he huffed

"Get your fat foot ass up and get it yourself. " D'arius said looking down at his phone

"I'm calling my daddy." D'lani said grabbing her phone to call Karter

"Why the fuck are you calling me? We are in the same fucking house" Karter said as soon as he answered the phone

"D'arius wont give me the remote." D'lani said and Karter hung up with out saying anything.

"I'm calling my brother. All yall better be scared, watch." D'lani said calling D'mir and D'arius just rolled his eyes and ignored her

"What's wrong?" D'mir asked as soon as he answered the phone

"My feet hurts, D'arius wont hand me the remote. And I'm hungry" D'lani said

"Fat ass just ate a bagel." D'arius mumbled and D'lani glared at him

" I honestly dont give a fuck!" D'lani heard in D'mirs background and her face scrunched up

The people in the background started arguing back and forth

"Who is that?" D'lani asked

"Ricky and Dom" D'mir said and D'lani scrunched her face up

"We finna be over there inna min. I'll bring you something to eat too, I love you. Bye!" D'mir said quickly before hanging up and D'lani shrugged her shoulders

"My brother AND my baby daddy coming, so I dont need you or Karter anymore. " D'lani said rolling her eyes at D'arius and he blankly stared at her and she waved him off

"I unbrother you and unfather Karter." D'lani said and D'arius stared at her

"What do you want Lani?" Karter asked coming downstairs and D'lani smiled

"Can you help me sit up?" D'lani asked and Karter sucked his teeth

"Dont make me call momma" D'lani warned and Karter jerked his head back

"Who the fuck is your momma? You think a mother fucker with glasses scare me." Karter said and D'lani gasped

"Watch this" D'lani grabbed her phone and Karter smacked it out her hand

"I was just playing. " Karter said pulling her arm so she could sit up

He sucked his teeth and turned around going back upstairs.

"Always gotta attitude" D'lani mumbled and the door opened and she saw Ricky and D'mir walk in the house

She saw Ricky with an neutral face but he looked a little angry also

"Here" D'mir passed D'lani a bag making her smile

"Hey Ricky" D'lani greeted

He muttered a 'wassup' and walked passed her to go in the kitchen

"You okay?" D'lani asked following behind him with her food in her hand

"I'm good. You okay?" Ricky asked her and she nodded her head

"You like tired.." D'lani said staring at his face

"Dom just so fucking stressful and annoying." Ricky said with a sigh

"He talking about taking my sister away from me. I'm more stable than him and Our mother." Ricky ranted

"I'm not gonna down play him for the shit he did for us. But trying to take Aiko away because I got you pregnant is doing to fucking much. Saying I won't pay enough attention to Aiko with a baby around. " Ricky added and D'lani frowned

"Its not your fault, I dont know what his fucking problem is." Ricky said lifting her head up

"Make sure you eat your food, I'm leaving" Ricky kissed her forehead and left.

Ricky huffed hearing knocks on the door

He opened it and seen D'lani with her hand on her stomach

"Aiko told me you cooked" D'lani smiled walking pass him and Ricky eyebrows furrowed, confused on when they started talking and when did Aiko start liking her

He closed the door and watched D'lani dry her hands before grabbing a plate to put chicken on

D'lani stared at Ricky and she licked her lips

"Stop looking at me like that." Ricky mumbled walking to his room and D'lani followed him

"Looking at you like what?" D'lani asked sitting on his bed and he squinted his eyes at her

"Like you wanna fuck me." Ricky said tilting his head and D'lani rolled her eyes and continued to eat

"Didnt you eat dinner?" Ricky asked and D'lani looked up at him

"I did, but Aiko said you made food. Am I gonna pass down free food? I most definitely will not." D'lani said answering her own question

"Fat ass." Ricky said

"See, I was gonna keep it to my self. Watch how I tell everyone, you wanted our child to be named Amy or fucking Ayden." D'lani said

"Bro, Dont bring it up no more, that shit is so embarrassing now." Ricky said walking in the bathroom and D'lani laughed.


I was supposed to be coming back in two months but I knew yall would miss me so much so I came back.🙄🙄

Poor Ricky go through so much😔

ALSOOOO THEY ARE JUST FRIENDS YALL. THEY JUST CO-PARENTING. they ain't doing no licky licky or sucky sucky with each other just so you guys know.🙄

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