Chapter 12 | Mine

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"You better run."


I ran fast not minding the surroundings around me. My anger conquering, How can this happen! Someone must have heard it. I eyed the tall building ahead of me and continued trying to find the one responsible for this.


His faculty building is huge you can get lost in here luckily I already know the way. As I got there I looked at the room's window but I saw nothing. I guess he's gone already I asked the people around but neither of them know.

I walked out of the building in defeat. This is hopeless. I should have been careful. It hit me even if this will turn out bad but I need to do this.

I'm going to see Bright

I quicken my pace towards his faculty building. We need to resolve this together. I was lost in thought that I didn't realize that I was hit with a hard thing on my head. I looked at the thrown object and it's a volleyball ball.

I turned around trying to find the one who hit me but I saw nothing. This is not a good time to fight I kicked the ball far from me and continued but was stopped by a hard force that made me fall to the ground.

Shit! This is bad

I lifted my head to face the one who pushed me. There are four of them surrounding me but I don't recognize them but based on their acts they seem like Physical Education students.

"What do you want from me?" Sweat trailing down my face. One of them smirked and yanked my collar bringing our faces closer.

"You're one of his chicks aren't you? I must say he has good taste" He said with rage on his eyes. I don't get it what do they want from me?

My eyes scanned the area fast to look for loopholes that can help me escape but found nothing. It is one way or another.

"Whatever you are thinking you can't escape-" The student was cut when my fist planted on his face. His friends took this as a sign and charged at me. I managed to dodge and fight back.

The person that threw the ball came to me, I kicked him hard on his middle and pushed him away I guess no more babies to come. The other managed to headlock me but I bit him on his arm. Both of them screaming in pain.

It didn't took long until people surrounded us and it won't take too long until the teachers will come.

I was too unfocused when a hard thing hit me on the head. It was painful and my eyes slowly darkened and blur, my ears feels clogged and a sort of liquid dripping from my nose Blood?

I felt my body drop on my floor but still conscious. I couldn't understand what people around me are saying until a loud ring conquered.

"Someone help him!"

"Isn't he the one? Go tell him!"

"Win! Wake up please!"

"Win! Wake up please!"

A loud voice was heard enough to wake a person up. My body feels heavy but my situation still doesn't changed a thing, liquid droplets landed on my face. My mouth can't open and speak whatever how hard I try.

I slowly opened my eyes and stingy pain rushed over me. It feels as if I was stabbed and left for dead at the snow.

"Win! Look at me! Please hang on" the voice from earlier spoke again. It's a voice of a man that I'm seems very familiar but I can't get who it is.

I looked throughout the area that I'm in. It is not the place where I was at, This is not the university's court. It looks like a fancy garden courtyard but it's blood? everywhere.

My eyes slowly moved to look at the owner of the voice. My body flinched and shiver and eyes slowly but painfully widen to see who it is. My heart tighten and my breath stopped.


No, It can't be him It has to be! I checked out to see that I was right. The man in front of me is seems to wearing traditional clothes with lush long hair but my eyes can't lie his features and face is the same though it does feel different from what I know.

They are similar from their noticeable features from their nose, lips, tone and bodies but the difference is their eyes- it tells a different story.

The Bright that I know has eyes that are so dull it doesn't shine but the 'Bright' that I'm facing now has eyes that shine like stars that I adore so much.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when a strong pang was felt on my heart. More tears were slowly dripping and more blood was releasing. The mixture of blood, sweat and tears was a sight that I can't bear to see.

"Win does anything hurt more? Please tell me. Help will come alright just please stay" The man cried more. I couldn't help but be hurt by him. He has gone through a lot but this is not the time. I need to go back.

"I'm sorry but I need to go"

"I'm very sorry dear that I have failed you"

What? I certainly didn't say that. Did my mouth said something else that's impossible.

The person in front signed heavily between his tears and shakily took my blood soaked hand and placed it on his face.

"Don't be,you are not failure but a very blessed and kind person" He said his breath shakily.

Unexpectedly, a soft weak smile creep on my face. "Then I can go and leave away this world with happiness and love now that I know this from you"

He softly laughed and kissed the my wrist not letting it go. "You can have all of my love. It is yours and always be yours whenever you go and wherever you are. You are mine as I am yours"

The ring from earlier was heard again and conquered my senses. My eyes slowly opened to see him again but a different him.

It's the Bright that I know

"Win! Look at me, Please hang on" Bright panicked asking everyone here and there for help but there is something in mind but I know that this isn't me.

I slowly tapped his face and aline it to face me. It's not the eyes that shone the brightness but it's still there.

"You are mine as I am yours"


Oh back again.

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