Chapter 18 | Traitor

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"Truth and Justice always reigns"


"This will hurt more in the morning" I hissed in pain as I add more ointment that Bright gave earlier. Reaching for my phone ignoring the stinging pain from my wounds.

Abruptly, A loud ting ranged on my phone. Quickly checking it to see if it's important or not but to my surprise it's not.

"You know what we agreed on Win. Don't you dare break it" said the message, It's him. I felt my body shake and anxiety struck through me.

My body's energy quickly leaving me, dropping to the floor and my body now shaking violently. I quickly deleted the message and turned my phone off. Mind went blank hugging my knees. As I lowered my head practically hiding my now wet face.

Images from earlier events flashed through my mind like a played tape. Every word and action is visible and detailed. I couldn't helped but sob harder.

My fist throwing light punches on my head, hoping to stop the endless loop of it. I gripped my hair out of frustration, a few strands of them plucked off.

"Stop struggling! It won't do anything good!"

"Such a lousy bastard, What did he even see in you?"


"No!" Screaming at top of my lungs kicking my feet at air, my grip getting harder and harsher. Hot streams of tears dropped quickly. The loud whispers and constant shouting rang through my ears. My hands letting go of my hair and placing them on my ears.

"Such a disgrace, You deserve it"

"Filthy bastard! Get off me!

What is this? This is not the words that I have heard from them. The unbearable pain of my heart came back, making me scream.

"Win, If anyone hurts you then tell me. I would handle them so don't be worried, Love"

A soft and gentle voice swayed through my ears. The whispers and the shouting stopped as well as the memories from my torture.

I adverted my gaze to the source of that calming voice. As I look around I saw nothing but my room. Nothing changed

I relieved myself by deep breaths still processing by the events that just happened. I quickly rubbed the tears at my face and repositioned myself.

Suddenly, I yelped by the sound of my phone ringing. My eyes looking at it with suspiciousness, my hands shaking as I stretched my arm to get it.

Inhaling a deep breath, I turned my phone on expecting the worst case instead I only saw a message from Toptap and Bright.

My eyes widen when I saw his name, heart racing and a generous amount of adrenaline that pushed my anxiety away rushed through me. I clicked on his message to read it. My eyebrow raising as I analyze his statement.

"Win, I have something to say to you." It read suspicion rising. He has something to tell me but why? Did he forgot something? I clicked on Toptap's message, Just him asking if I'm alright.

Finally standing up, I took all of my things on the floor and marched to my room. Bright's message still in my mind.

What does he want?


I walked through the halls of the building trying to get to the place where our friends were before. This is the place where he wanted to meet.

The atmosphere around this area seems wierd. It is not that lively and noisy as before. Only a few students and staff can be seen and nothing else. I fasten my steps as I'm still anxious about yesterday. I got to be careful.

As I finally reached the room I knocked and slowly opened the door, peeking through the widening gap only to see Bright sleeping on one of those chairs. I couldn't help but giggle at the sight.

Carefully sneaking attempting to wake him up. A cold hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards making me fall to that person's body. Raising my sight upwards I saw Bright with a sinister smile.


"Whatever you are planning drop it. You can't fool me" Bright voiced with pride on his tone. I scoff and attempted to push him away but due to his strong grip I remained still on our awkward position.

"Let me go" Pushing myself away from him feeling myself fall to the ground. I can't believe him. Bright's loud laugh echoed throughout the room.

"When I said let me go I didn't meant to say let me fall" I voiced now annoyed at him, he didn't stop laughing not even offering me help.

"But you said to let you go and I did" Bright defended himself trying his best not to laugh but failed miserably. Out of frustration, I punched his left thigh as it is beyond my reach.

He yelped surprised by my sudden actions. I quietly giggled despite still sitting on the floor. Looks who's laughing now.

"You really want me to get fed up, Don't you?" He asked sarcastically. Offering his hand which I accepted.

"Seeing you get mad is a great scene to watch. I would absolutely like it" I replied which made him scoff returning his position to sleep again.

"Are you going back to sleep? Hey!" I voiced loudly smacking his shoulder causing him to jump off his sit."You told me to meet you here! Now you're sleeping" I continued.

Bright didn't move from his spot. It seems that his mind wandered off. I waved my hand infront of his face hoping to get his attention but to no avail. I tried more methods to get him back to reality but failed. Only then he raised his arm signaling me to stop.

"Win, Do you perhaps know Gun?" He utter nervousness visible on his words. It seems that my world has stop. Memories from yesterday quickly flashed through my mind. The ache from the feeling of betrayal and sadness came back.

"Which one? I know plenty" I lied as I always do in this type of situation. I couldn't take myself when I lie. As sweat started to form because of my nervousness.

Based on his expression, He knows that I'm lying. Slowly tapping his shoe on the floor as if waiting for me to spill out. He again opened his mouth to speak. As he spoke his words I know that I couldn't escape.

"Gun Atthaphan. A political science student from another university but he also studied here. To top all that" He looked at me straight in the eyes."Your friend" He continued crossing his arms close to his chest.

I felt my eyes water biting my lips hard to prevent them to fall. He knows, but how? Gun only went there for a few moments and flee.

"Why are you doing this? I thought we are friends" I immediately said when the tape from my mouth was removed. How can he do this to me? He was my friend.

"Friends? What kind of friend steal someone when they know I like them." He pointed out. His left foot smacking my face hard.

"Oh by the way, We are not friends to begin with"

As his words and memories flashed through my mind. The tears that I carefully hold released throughout my face. My mind keeps yelling at me that I should not let myself be hurt in this but the heart said otherwise.

The happy moments that I have spend with him is very dear to me. Now that I know he did all this. I couldn't bring myself to speak bad about him.

A strong pair of arms slowly wrapped my shaking body. Bright hushed and told me words that everything will be alright. I sob harder and completely buried myself into his chest.

Gun is a traitor...

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