Chapter 22 | Fell

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"This undescribable feelings. I can't stand them"


"Goodbye. Safe Travels!" I shouted in the last minute. Waving my hand in the air to get his attention. As I eyed Bright's car drove away until I see no more. I sighed in relief, walking back to my home. My shaking hands slowly closed the main door.

My legs went weak unable to support my whole weight, feeling my body land on the cold floor. Hands covering my mouth and my breath becoming difficult to become stable but my heart beating so fast- too fast.

No no no no

This must be a joke right. I can't feel this, No not now. I went back to stand on my feet using the doorknob as my support. I continued to walk to my room, my thoughts still preoccupied by him.

As I finally reach my private area. I let myself crash on the bed, letting myself relax. I twisted and turned trying my best to get those thoughts out of my mined but to no avail it didn't work.

"I would always stay by your side"

"You really are silly but I like that"

"I, Don't worry I won't forget you either"

"Ah Shit! Stop this already!" I shouted and stuffed my pillow onto my face out of frustration. Moments passed, I slowly removed the pillow inhaling the much needed air.

My hand crawled to my heart area slowly feeling every beat. As it finally stabilize itself from it's rampage because of Bright.

"I just want to say that I completely trust you"

"I'm glad you're okay, I'm so sorry"

"I am yours as you are mine"

"Fuck!" I again shouted, I immediately sat and tossed the pillow to the other side of the room. I crashed my body on the bed but the hand on my heart still not moving from it's place. It beats unusually fast when his name is mentioned.

"This sucks so bad" I whispered to myself and closed my eyes. Consciousness leaving me slowly drifting off to sleep.

"I wonder how long do I have to wait for you to return your feelings even so, I will wait for that moment to arrive, my dear"

A tall man answered, face blurred and unclear but still noticeable and admirable. As they both walk across the bridge. A wonderful scenery indeed.

"I cannot tell for now but I do know that it will come" A gentle voice replied, another blurred face but the aura amongst them speaks more. A beautiful and refined person with a strong but tamed one.

"Say what if I tell you that the answer is already here" The man replied walking towards his partner, holding his soft hands against his.

"I know that you already have an answer long ago. Why did you have to wait long?" He continued bringing the soft hand to his cheeks, kissing on it's palm. The gesture made his partner blush and gulp.

"I-" He stutter. He took a deep breath and looked at the taller male's eyes. "I like you!" The man then chuckled.

My eyes shot open and my body suddenly sat up. What was that? It feels so real but strange. I brushed off the sweat from my forehead and gazed at my clock 3:00 AM it said.

"So early but I'm hungry" I utter and got up. Making my way to the kitchen downstairs, I saw their keys and shoes- My family is finally here. I opened the fridge door in hopes to see the food stored but nothing appetize me.

I sighed and went upstairs to get my wallet. I plan to go to a near convenience store. I continued my way out of the house and on to the streets finally making my journey to the store.

The dream that occurred quickly conquered my mind. It is such a strange dream but it feels so real and so familiar. Did I perhaps saw it from those dramas?

I again sighed trying my best to distract myself as I reach nearer and nearer the store. I opened the door and politely greeted the staff.

I grabbed the food that took my interest and went on to the other. My eyes rapidly saw my favorite ramen, My hands went on to grab it but got to another person first.

I scoff in annoyance and gazed at the person who touched the ramen first. My eyes widen when I saw him. Suddenly, My heart beats fast and my skin went goosebumps. I felt my face getting hot as my eyes got a clear view.


"Bright? What are you doing here?" I immediately asked without thinking. Bright's doe eyes stared at me, seeing me still on my pajamas and a jacket. He handed the ramen to me which I accepted.

"What do you even do on convenience store? Of course to buy stuff" Bright said sarcastically but laughed.

"Stop that" I said but he continued to laugh while looking at the other products. I urge myself to not hit him as I remember to always do that to him.

"You don't live near here so why are you here?" I continued my question. He continued to look at the products and put them on his basket, not looking at me.

"Mike lives near here. I stayed there for awhile" Bright answered. He gazed to look at me directly in the eyes. The hot feeling in my face went back. I immediately cut out eye contact by looking at another angle, earning a low chuckle from him.

"How about you?" He utter shortly. I felt his hand crawl to mine, his fingers locking it with mine together. He started humming until we reached the cashier.

My mind went dumb for a moment. The fast beating of my heart and the hottest of my face struck me hard. Do I really feel this way.

"I will pay for everything" I utter gaining the attention of both. I saw Bright's card on the cashier's hand as if it already finished swiping it. Embarrassment quickly rose to me as I hid myself on his back.

"It's fine, Take the ramen and sit on whatever table you choose" Bright said while smiling. I nodded rapidly and carefully took the food to the unoccupied table.

After I settle our chosen food. I felt myself sigh and brushed my palms downwards my face. Thousands of thoughts went throughout my mind but they all have landed into one.

"Penny for your thoughts" A gentle whisper brush through my left ear. I looked at the side only to see Bright smiling at me. I shook my head and blow the hot noodles before indulging.

"Come on, Do tell me" Bright softly utter, his sight not leaving mine. He soon ate his as silence formed between us.

Nervousness took over me. I can't do this! I can't accept this! This is too much. I can't believe this really happened. I mentally sighed, feeling that I sighed a thousand times already. I built up the courage and faced him.

"What would you do if-" I was cut off when his hands touched my lips as if wiping off something. "Wait, You have something on you. Let me take it off" I eyed his every move wiping the stain from the soup off my mouth. He grabbed the tissue hear him and wiped his own hands. "Now you can continue" He said and looked at me.

"What would you do if you realize your feelings to someone?" I asked straight forwardly. I can't believe myself that I'm asking this especially to him.

"Oh, Are you inlove with someone?" Bright asked with annoyance? I can't tell. I shook my head rapidly, my cheeks getting hot. He went silent not even touching his food. The awkward atmosphere develop around us.

"If I did then I will try to persuade them. I love them so why not" Bright replied. He shifted his body to get near me. I back up when he tries to get closer.

"I would persuade them and love them with all my heart and soul" He continued and smiled at me. The feeling that I tried to deny went back. I bit my lips as I gaze at him fondly.

"I think I like you.....Bright"

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