Chapter 13 | You and The Lullabies

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"The stars have speak. You are now mine"


"Calm down. He will be fine"

His younger brother, Mick, told me with reassurance. People that knows Win also told me the same thing from left to right that he's fine but it's not, It is a very different thing.

This past events happened when he met me. I'm too hasty, Everything is too rushed. Did something change? Did the heavens played with fate? Questions flooded through my mind that not even a bug bite can sway me. Not even noticing that everyone was gone.

"You are mine as I am yours"

His last words before he passed out is awfully familiar. Those are one of the words that Win from the past said before passing. Did he finally remember?

"If he remembered then isn't that a good thing?"

A voice snapped me back to reality. It seems to come from a old woman. I looked at the side to see if I'm right.

It's really a old woman. Her wrinkles and her gray hair already visible. Even so she was smiling lifting up the saggy skin. She seems genuine.

"Enough looking young man. I'm asking you a question" She said again her smile still there.

"Oh I'm very sorry. Im just thinking" Whispering the thinking that can be barely heard. The woman sitting on side chuckled and looked out on the window in front.

"It is fine to think. The fate that has bestowed before you both is quite complicated. The heavens are too hard on you and him they are again challenging you" She said and laughed softly.

"Sorry but it is not. It became too complicated for me and him. It won't take long until the others would get affected" I utter politely. My body suddenly flinched. She knows what's going on but how. Is she a shaman or a divine entity?

My thoughts seems to have reached her when she again laughed. She shakily stood up and went in front now facing the window showing the busy city below.

"Child, It doesn't matter who I am and what I am. You should think on what kind of problem that you are facing." She said without looking at me instead eyeing the stars above and the bright city lights below, Completely blending with each other.

"Can't you see? I'm trying but it keeps failing and repeating again. This situation is like a endless loop whatever you try" Frustration visible on my words. It keeps repeating and I'm tried of it! I just want to finish it quickly.

The woman again chuckled, "Your situation is a unsolved case from years ago. The heavens do not want to meddle or talk about it as they have decided to let them take care of it" She then lifted her left hand placing it on the glass window. She slowly tapped her fingers with a rhythm accompanying with a hum that sounds more like a lullaby.

My heart tighten while hearing her hum. This lullaby is too familiar. My body can't move not even an inch as if I'm paralyzed on my seat. Small droplets of sweat started to roll down and my eyes widen at the sight.

As soon as she finished. A figure of a human started to form on the window. It's too blurry that I can't see and determine who it was.

"This is what they want from you. It is your contract with them. You have started this and now You have to end it"

Everything stopped and noises from the outside went silent. As the figure the in window became more and more clearer. I soon realize who it was.

The General

He was wearing a traditional wear but it's covered with blood, his hair too messy. He is wielding his sharp long sword that is dripping with blood on its corner. But the face is covered with a hat that comes with a long white veil therefore covering his face.

The woman from earlier finally looked at me and vanished like the wind leaving trails of white particles behind.

"We already met several times yet you are still confused"

A low but soft voice was heard. It was different from what I keep hearing before. He seems more calm. His calm demeanor irritates me. My blood boiled and thoughts clouded with anger.

"Is this what you want? Throwing and abandoning your own problem to others?! You're so selfish!" I shouted but he didn't faze nor react to my rant which made me even more mad.

"You and me are just the same"

He said with a calm tone pointing himself and to me. I don't get it. Suddenly, He draw nearer and nearer until he took a step inside the hall. He is now on a physical body, the blood from his clothes and sword is dripping to the floor.

"No! Me and You are not the same. I am on who I am and you are nothing but a coward and a fool!" My frustrations building up. I felt my body moving again but it's too weak now that he is infront of me.

I tried looking for holes to atleast see his  face but found nothing. Nevertheless, I grabbed him by his collar and brought it infront of my face. The long veil dangled beneath. My vision started to blur and white light shine in between us. A warning not to continue on what I'm about to do.

"He is awake. Do things right"

The white light from earlier covered my sight. Strong air blew along side whispers from the wind that I can't understand. It hurts too much, Liquid started streaming from my nose and at the tips of my mouth.

"Bright! What is going on? Are you alright?" A soft voice swayed to my ears. The one that I'm craving for to hear.

"Win" I utter.

"What happened? Why is there blood?" He again asked. Wrapping his arms around as the same time rubbing it on a a up and down motion. My face getting wet by the traitorous tears that fell on the wrong time.

Win, I'm so sorry for dragging you in here but I don't have a choice. Things has to be done.

"I'm so sorry"

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