Day One: The Introduction

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  You follow the producer for the band you will be working with, Geoff Rickly, into a recording studio at Eyeball Records. There you see four guys around your age turn towards you as you enter. One has short hair, long legs and glasses. One has spikey hair and a wierd goatee thing going on. One has a short fro. The last one has short dark hair and a babyface. " Guys, this is Y/N. They're a student at the local college. They're studying music production and will apprenticing with us. They are going to be mixing your demo album. I will be taking over for the production of the real thing. " Geoff says to the band. They eye you suspiciously then look at their production manager questioningly. " They may only be a college student but I have seen what they can do. They're pretty talented so don't worry, you're in good hands. " he says reassuringly. The guys still look a little skeptical.

  You walk over to the table and plug in your laptop after you take it out of your bag. You open your production software and hit play on what you were last working on. As an assignment, you have to make a mashup. You just finished before arriving and have yet to submit it. It's a mix of the instrumentals from Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirt and vocals from The Offspring's Self-Esteem

  " Holy crap. You mixed that? " the one with glasses says. " Yeah. I just isolated the vocals from one song, removed vocals from another, cut, looped and rearranged some parts and then threw it all together. It wasn't that hard. " you reply with a shrug as if it was nothing. " I know a bit about mixing. It's difficult to do, especially when it's a mashup, to find parts that go well together. You need to have a good ear for that kind of stuff. Not to mention the ability to mix in general. You just made it sound like you were making a sandwich. " the one with a fro says. " What I tell you? They're good. Now I'll leave you to it. " the recording manager laughs and he leaves the room.

  You stand awkwardly for a minute, not knowing exactly what to say. " Hey, I'm Gerard. " Babyface guy smiles, " the guy in the glasses is my brother Mikey. " Mikey waves, " The guy with the fro over there is Ray. " Ray smiles and you smile back, " and that guy, " Gerard points to the last guy, " is Matt. " You smile and wave shyly. " Hi, I'm Y/N but you already know that. " you awkwardly respond. Immediately changing the subject to cover up your stupidity you ask curiously " So, what's your band's name? " " We are My Chemical Romance. We're a rock band. " Gerard grins widely. " Crap, that's a great name. " you say. " Thanks, I came up with it. " Mikey says proudly. The group chuckles.

  You take a seat in a spinny office chair at the mixing table and connect your laptop to it. You need to grab a blank USB to store the rough album on. You have one in your bag but you had left it over by the door with your jacket. The office chair had wheels. Because you're lazy instead of getting up and walking to the door you roll yourself over there with a single push. You nearly run into a guy who just stepped into the room. " Shit, sorry! Um, who are you? " you ask confused. The guy has dreads and looks like the definition of a greasy, Italian street rat. He isn't bad looking, just a little funny-looking. " I was gonna ask you the same thing. I haven't seen you around before. I'm Frank. " he says coolly, smiling. " Hi Frank, I'm Y/N. May I ask why you're here? " you say, crossing your legs and arms while leaning back in your chair. " He's cool, don't worry. He comes and watches all our practices. He's the singer in another band called Pencey Prep. " Gerard explains. " Yeah, we're really good. You should come and watch us some time. Then maybe I could take you somewhere to grab a bite to eat after. " Frank says cheekily. " In your dreams Dreads. " you giggle and roll your eyes.

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