Day Seven: Recording Session Four and Exams

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( Frank's guitar part from Monroeville comes up later on and I just want to tell y'all the isolated part is beautiful. Here's a link cuz y'all need to hear it swear to geesus. - Xø BLASTABaby )

  You wake up early and try and absorb as much knowledge as possible before heading to your exams. You're just about to leave when you realize you need to pack your stuff to take to the studio afterwards. You grab your laptop and the MP3 player you uploaded the mix to for Frank. As soon as you step outside, you regret not grabbing a thicker sweater but you're gonna miss your bus if you head back. It's freezing out. You reach your bus stop as the bus pulls up. You get on for the twenty-minute bus ride to your college. 

  You take your time with your exam and make sure to look over it multiple times before submitting it. You still can't help but stress out over your score. The wait for the results will be excruciating. 

  You leave once you're finished and immediately head over to the studio where the guys are waiting. You enter the room and Gerard and Frank are discussing the band plan. You sit as far away from Frank as possible. You still feel bad about Saturday and feel awkward. " So, Frank is going to write as much as he can today before the end of the session, we will record tomorrow and then Geoff will begin the production process Wednesday. " Gerard explains to you. You don't hear. You are zoned out, lost in your head, worrying about your grade. Ray brings you back to reality. Gerard repeats himself. " Okay, sounds good. " you nod. You pull out your laptop and play the nearly complete album rough mix. All that's left is to add Frank's part when it is ready. 

  " This amazing! It sounds so good! " Gerard exclaims. " It's all you guys. I just threw it together. You guys are incredible! I'm definitely going to one of your concerts when you get big. " you say. " You really think we're gonna get big? We're that good? " Mikey asks. " You're that good! " you smile. That makes all of the guys beam. 

  You give Frank the MP3 play and he takes it with him to his van where his guitar is. Frank seems unbothered by the other night. ' Maybe he doesn't remember ' you think hopefully. You sit there talking with the rest of the guys about random shit for a while. 

  At some point, you decide to head out to a nearby coffee shop and grab a coffee. " Anyone else want me to get them one? " you ask. Everyone raises their hand. You make your way over there and order six coffees, you order one for Frank as well. You ask if you could just have a bag with a bunch of sugar, milk and cream packets since you don't know how the guys take their coffee. You struggle to carry the six coffees back. The tray only holds four cups so you have to carefully balance one in the center of the tray and hold the sixth in your free hand. The way there took you five minutes but the way back takes ten as you slowly try not to spill any of the drinks. 

  You're attempting to open the front door of the studio when you hear someone laugh behind it. Matt comes and helps you out. He opens the door and helps you carry the beverages to the room. You put the bag of add-ins onto the table so that the guys can make their coffees. Once they were finished with them you take the rest along with his coffee to Frank. 

  You knock on the window of the van, shivering from the cold. Frank looks up from what he's doing and you wave the coffee around, almost dropping it, while smiling awkwardly. He opens the door for you and you slide in, handing him the drink. " I brought you a hot coffee. I thought you could use it. It's fucking freezing in here. Brrr. " you say. " Thanks. There isn't any heat in here. " he says. You sit in uncomfortable silence for a minute. When you can't take it anymore you burst out with " I'm sorry about Saturday. It's not you I promise. I-I just- " you stutter, not knowing what to say. Frank looks at you expectantly. He's waiting as you try and find the words to explain to him everything that's running through your head. " I- I've just been so busy and stressed, I didn't think I'd be able to handle it and give you what you deserve. I was too focused on school. I was, I am scared of how my exams will turn out. I'm gonna fail. I just know it. I just don't wanna lead you on and hurt you. " you finally say. 

  Frank takes a second to absorb everything you said. " You're not going to fail. You're going to do just fine, I promise. " he says gently as you stare off into space. " You don't know that. How could you? " you whisper. " Because from what I can see, you're extremely talented in what you do. You have a lot of knowledge when it comes to music. You're so smart. Let's make a bet. If you fail, I owe you twenty bucks. If you pass, you gotta let me take you out for dinner. " he says. " Boy  you're determined. You're not gonna stop with this are you? " you laugh. " Never. Y'know why? 'Cause you're rad and I'm rad and we totally belong together. " he says, laughing but you know he's being dead serious. You consider for a second and you being a stubborn ass who never turns down a bet says " Deal. "

  " Do you wanna hear what I have so far? It's for Monroeville. " Frank asks you. " Yeah, sure! " you smile. Out of all of the songs this one has to be your favorite. Well, second next to Demolition Lovers. He begins to play and you tear up. It's beautiful. His hands move smoothly up and down the neck of the guitar. Its mesmerizing.  You can tell how much music means to him just by the way he plays. He puts his heart and soul into it and you can feel it too. He zones in on the music, like it's a part of himself.

  Frank finishes and you sit silently in awe before snapping out of your daze. " Holy crap! That was incredible! You are an amazing guitarist. Fucking beautiful! " you say, wiping away a tear. " Wait, are you crying? " he laughs. You turn away, hiding your face. " No. " you lie. Frank rolls his eyes and pulls you into a hug. You don't resist. You sit like that for a few minutes.

  " Can I see your sheet music? " you ask. Frank hand you his paper. You look at it and almost shit your pants. " Holy crap, it's fucking 6/8 time? Fuck. That's fucking difficult. " ( I think. Idk. I only play piano and clarinet. It for sure is fucking hard on that. Or at least hard to read and my brain to comprehend. I'm a visual learner when it comes to music. Reading sheet music is hard. I can do it but I just perfer to be shown. Xø BLASTABaby ) " Eh, not really. At first it was kinda hard to write but once you got into it it wasn't to difficult. " he explains. You sit there in complete admiration of the guy while he writes his part for Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us.

   You sit contently next to Frank, watching him work for the next hour. He finished and shows you his part. It was fucking rad as fuck. Then you realize how cold you are. All you're wearing is a thin sweater. Frank notices you shiver and wraps his arms around you. You huddle up next to him, gladly accepting his warm embrace. Holds you tightly against him for the rest of the session until Gerard comes banging on the van window.

  " Guys? " Gerard says, raising an eyebrow. " What? Its cold. " you say, jumping away from Frank. " Right, " Gerard says sarcastically, " Well, the session ended ten minutes ago. We were waiting for you guys to come back but we got bored and I was vetoed to come and get your asses inside. " You didn't even notice the session ended. You follow Gerard back inside to say your goodbyes to the group and grab your stuff. Frank had only written parts for two songs. " That's fine. The rest of the album doesn't matter. We'll record what you have tomorrow and Geoff will take over from there. " Ray says. You nod your head in agreement. " 'Kay. " Frank's says.

  " Hey, do you want a ride home? " Frank asks. You're about to decline but you remember it's cold and accept. You get in the van and Frank takes you home. Before you leave you give Frank a big hug and say thank you. But you don't just mean it for the ride. You mean for everything. The support, the hugs, the fun times. " Bye! " you yell at him before entering your house.

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