Day Three: Recording Session Two

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  You wake up with your theory book on your face. You shoot up off the couch like you've been shocked. ' Fuck. What time is it? ' you think as your book crashes to the floor. It's ten to one in the afternoon. You should have been at the recording studio an hour ago. You panic and grab your bag but forget your jacket. Its getting closer to winter in New Jersey.

  You full out run to the studio which is about a fifteen minute walk away from your house. You get there in seven. You run in and burst into the room, heaving and panting, and the guys all stare at you. They were all sitting and laughing around a table just a moment before. They look at you worriedly. You look like a mess. Your hair is unbrushed. You're in the same clothes as the day before and they're wrinkled and creased. You haven't showered in a few days. You're exhausted.

  " Hey, you okay? " Frank says sounding really concerned. " Yeah, I'm fine. I'm so sorry I'm late. I was up late last night studying and I must of passed out and over slept. You're probably pissed at me." you explain quickly. Frank looks at the rest of the guys with a doubtful look. " Don't worry about it. Just promise that you take better care of yourself. You look like fucking crap. " Gerard says in a serious tone. You nod your head even though you know that you're gonna do the same thing tonight. " And promise that you'll come to Pencey's practice! " Frank tries. You shake your head at his sad attempt. " Sorry Dreads. I still have alot to study. " you sigh. Frank frowns.

  " Okay, so, since I fucked up and was late we don't have much time left so let's try and finish recording Mikey's bass parts. Sound like a plan? " you say guiltily. " Yeah. Let's do it. " Mikey says. He grabs his bass and preps for recording. You sit quietly and stare at the floor, lost in your thoughts. " Y/N, " Frank taps your shoulder, " Mikey's ready. " You're head pops up. " Huh? What? Oh, okay. Yeah. " you say absent-mindedly. " 'Kay Mikes. Let's start with Vampires. " you say without hitting the button to the talk-back mic. " You have to push the button. " Frank tells you. You sigh at your own stupidity. You repeat yourself, this time using the talk-back mic. You wipe your eyes sleepily and put your head in your hands. 

  " Hold on, can we break a minute? I need a cigarette. " you ask after recording a couple songs. You don't even wait for a response before getting up and heading outside. You hear someone follow you as you exit the room.

  You take a seat on the sidewalk outside the studio and lay your head back against the wall of the building. It's chilly out and you forgot your jacket. After you light your smoke and take a long drag you wrap your arms around yourself to keep warm. Frank silently comes and takes a seat next to you, lighting his own. You take no notice. After a minute or two he speaks. " I'm not even going to ask if you're okay 'cause I know you're not. What's wrong. And don't say nothing. " he asks you. You groan. " Frank, I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. It's nothing, really. I promise. " you respond. Frank sighs and shakes his head. " God you're stubborn. You clearly aren't taking care of yourself. You have bags under your eyes. It's like you haven't slept well in days. You're a mess. Now what's wrong? What can I do to help? " he pushes even more. You ignore him and stare straight ahead. " Y/N, please.  " Frank pleads quietly,  trying to get you to look at him. " Nothing. You don't need to do anything. You can't do anything. I'll be fine. " you say flatly, ending the conversation. You put out your cigarette and go back inside. You leave Frank feeling helpless and worried.

  " Alright, let's pick up where we left off. We were at Demolition Lovers right? " you say, taking a seat back in your office chair. Gerard nods.

  You spend the rest of the session trying not to fall asleep. Gerard has to shake you awake a couple of times. You try and avoid Frank. He watches you with concern, leaning up against the back wall. Gerard walks over to Frank and leans up against the wall next to him. The two have a conversation in hushed voice so you can't make out what they're saying. You know their talking about you. You lean back in the chair with a grunt. " I know you're talking about me. I'm fine, okay. Don't worry about it. " you say sounding irritated. The two give each other the same look of unease but keep quiet. 

  It's time to leave and you get up and go without a word, speeding past Frank as he opens his mouth to say something to you. 

  You arrive home and sit down on your bed. The stress from the apprenticeship and your upcoming exams is overwhelming. You feel like crap. Now that you have had time to yourself you realize how terrible you treated Frank all day. All he was trying to do was help. You're going to have to apologize to him tomorrow. You open up your textbook and start to study once again. 

  It's about midnight when your phone rings. " Hello? " you say as you pick it up. " Hey Y/N. " Frank responds. " How the fuck did you get my number? Why are you calling me at midnight? " you asked confused. " Gerard gave it to me. I'm worried about you. You're stressing yourself out too much. I called to tell you to get to bed. You need sleep. Maybe shower first. Come back tomorrow in a better mood. " he tells you. You're about to argue with him but just then you let out a large yawn. " Fuck, maybe I should get some rest. But I need to study- " you start to say but Frank cuts you off, " Go to sleep. " " Fine, I'm sorry about today. I feel terrible. I didn't mean any of it. I'm just really snappy and I shouldn't have taken it out on you and the others. I'm so sorry. " you tell him. " It's okay, I know you didn't mean it. Now get to bed. I'll see you tomorrow. " he says. You say your goodbyes and hang up. You shower before you head to bed. You fall asleep almost instantly.

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