Day Four: Recording Session Three

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  You wake up the next day in a better mood. Still stressed but in a better mood. You change into a fresh pair of clothes. You brush your hair and teeth. When you're done all that needs to be done you still have a couple of hours before you have to head to the recording studio so, of course, you decide to study. You open your book and jot down notes until you have to leave. Before you head out you realize you have hardly eaten over the last few days. You grab a bag of Goldfish crackers and shove them in your bag. You toss on a hoodie and make your way down to the studio.

  You're halfway there and you hear a car honk at you. It's Frank and someone you don't know in a white van. He rolls down his passenger side window and greets you with a wide smile. You return it. The van reeks of weed. " I see you feel better. Sleep well? " he asks. " Yeah, and I showered. My heads a lot clearer. I'm still stressed off my ass but I'm in a better mood. Thanks for last night. I needed someone to convince me to sleep or else I wouldn't have. " you tell him. " That's good to hear. Any time. " he says. Before he continues to drive off you laugh, " You stink like fucking weed. " Frank snikers. " Yeah, do you smoke? " he asks. " Occasionally. " you shrug. " You wanna toke? " he asks with a mischievous smirk. " Fuck yeah! " you say, hopping in the back of the van. You hope the pot will help calm your nerves.

  " This John but everyone calls him Hambone. He was a member of Pencey with me. " Frank introduces you to the guy driving the van. " Hey. " you say shyly. He smiles at you through the rear view mirror. After a minute you ask, " What do you mean " was a member "? What happened? " Frank sighs. " Well, as a group we all we figured to end the band. We weren't going anywhere so what was the point. " he explains. " Oh, " you say in a small voice. " I'm sorry. And I'm sorry I never went to any of your practices. " Frank shrugs it off and says it's fine.

  Frank doesn't even have his bong out by the time you reach the studio but thats fine because you're still a little early. " This shit's strong. Its called train wreck. It's a sativa and has a really high THC level. You're gonna get fucked. " Frank laughs as he gets it set up for you. " Sounds fun. " you respond. He passes you the bong and you take a fat hit and blow it out the window. You start having a coughing fit. Frank and Hambone start laughing their asses off. " Shut up, I haven't smoked in a while. " you say between coughs.

  It doesn't take too long for it to kick in. Soon you and Frank are taking turns making stupid faces at eachother to make the other laugh. You look at your watch and see it's almost time to meet the others. " We gotta bounce. See ya Hambone! " you say with a grin. He waves goodbye as you get out of the van almost falling. Frank follows. " I'll race you Dreads! " you challenge and start bolting towards the studio. " Wait up Speedy Gonzalez! I'm coming! " he calls after you.

  " Ah ha, I beat you! " you laugh, out of breath, as you burst into the recording room. Frank doesn't stop himself in time and ends up slamming into you, sending both of you to the floor. The rest of the people in the room look at you with surprise before cracking up as Frank rolls off of you. You lay on the floor laughing hard for a solid five minutes before you catch your breath.

  " Well, it looks like our old Y/N is back today. " Ray says. " Both of us got stoned before coming. " Frank laughs. You come up behind him, put a hand over his mouth and shush him. " Shhh! You're not supposed to tell them! " you giggle. This gets the guys to break out into more laughter.

  You take your seat in the office chair and start spinning. " Okay, so today were gonna get Ray's guitar part, Gerard's vocals and then Ray's backings recorded before we break for the weekend. I know it's a lot of work but we got this. " you say. Ray nods and enters the booth and tunes. " So, what are you doing this weekend Y/N? There's gonna be a party here tomorrow. You wanna come with us? " Gerard asks. " I wish I could but my exams are Monday morning. I should study as much as I can before then. " you sigh. " Oh come on, I'm sure you'll be fine. You've studied way more then you need to. You're stressing yourself out for no reason. You got this. " Frank encourages you. You shake your head. " I need to do this. I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself at the party if I'm worried about exams. " you say. Frank pouts and chants " Come on! " The others join in. You try and stand your ground but after about ten seconds you give in and start laughing. " Fine, fine, You win! " you wheeze. " Okay, me and Hambone can come pick you. What's your address? " Frank asks. You write it out for him. " Thanks Dreads. " Frank grins. Ray finishes prepping his guitar and you begin the recording process.

  After about four songs and a lot of laughing fits, you call a break. " Hey, I got a joint. You wanna smoke more? " Frank asks you. Your eyes light up and you nod eagerly. You head outside with him and sit in the alleyway at the back of the building. You take a seat up against the wall and Frank sits in front of you. He lights the joint and takes a few tokes then passes it over to you. You inhale a few puffs and just start giggling. " What's so funny? " Frank smirks. " Your hair! " you snicker, " It's terrible. Where did you get them done? " you ask. " I did them myself. It started out of a joke because we're all, Pencey and me, in the back of this van. We were talking about the music that Tim Hagevic, he was a member of Pencey with me, liked. I started tying knots in my hair, and they turned into that, and we put like, crazy glue in it. " You laugh so hard your face goes red. " Oh dear God! "

  " I'm fucking starving! " you groan. You pull out your bag of Goldfish and pop some in your mouth. " The snack that smiles back. " Frank whispers in your ear as he walks up behind you. He surprises you and you start to laugh but instead you begin choking on the food in your mouth. You try and smack Frank from your chair but you just end up flailing your arms around and missing. The group chuckle at your feeble attempts. " Fucking asshole! " you cough. Frank laughs even harder. You regain control of your breathing and continue to snack, shooting Frank glares. All he does is smirk at you. You throw a cracker at him. He tries to catch it in his mouth. It misses and hits the floor. You keep throwing them from across the room until you succeed in getting them in Frank's mouth. When that finally happens, the floor is covered in little fishy crackers. " You guys made a huge fucking mess! " Gerard laughs. You and Frank get up and pick them up one by one. There is one left and you both race to be the one to get it first. You snatch it just as Frank goes for it. You boink your heads together. " Mother fucker! " you whine, as you fall back onto your ass and rub your head. You look up and make eye contact with Frank and for some reason, you find it the funniest thing. For the millionth time, you start to crack up so hard you cry. You calm down and finish recording the remaining songs, still munching quietly on your little fish crackers.

  When it's time to leave you give each of the guys a hug and say that you'll see them tomorrow. When you go to give Frank a hug, he starts awkwardly swaying with you in some sort of pathetic dance. You try and pull away but he refuses to let you go. You start to laugh again. " Let me go! " you giggle. " Never! Your mine! I'm taking you hostage! " he declares. You look desperately at the rest of the guys. " Help me! " you say. You tickle Frank's sides and he lets go. " Ha ha! I got away from you Dreads! " Frank turns away and huffs, mocking hurt. " 'kay, bye! Love your face! " you say, exiting the room.

  You get home and instead of studying, you turn on the TV and watch some Ren and Stimpy re-runs. You grab your Goldfish crackers and finish the bag. Once the effects of the weed starts to wear off about a half hour later, you realize it's getting late. You panic a little and look through your notes for a few hours before going to bed at midnight.

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