Day Five and Six: The Weekend

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  You spend most of your day studying and taking notes before Frank and Hambone comes to pick you up and take you to Eyeball Records for the party. You hear a horn honk outside your house. You grab your jacket and leave. Frank opens the van door for you and you get in. In the van there are four people. " You know Hambone already. This is Shawn and Tim. They were all in Pencey with me. "Frank says, introducing you to the two you don't know. " Hey. " you say with a small smile. The two return the greeting.

  You get to the studio and follow Frank and the others into the basement where the party is being held. There is a surprising amount of people. Gerard spots your group from across the room. He waves you over and gives you a sloppy hug. He's drunk off his ass already. " Yay! You're here. I got worried you were gonna flake and stay home. " he says. You laugh awkwardly. Honestly, you thought about it and almost did. " Want me to grab you a drink? " Frank asks. You shrug your shoulders and say " Why not. " He goes and returns a minute later with two beers, handing you one.

  Soon enough one drink turns to seven and you're hammered. TV Party by Black Flag comes on and your eyes light up. So does Frank's. Frank sees your look of excitement and asks, " Wait, you like Black Flag? " you nod your head furiously. They're one of your favourite bands. Frank runs over to the speakers and cranks up the volume. He grabs your hand and drags you from your comfy corner, into open space. " Come on, let's dance! " he says over the loud music. He starts doing some wacky dance and you start laughing at him. " I know, I'm an amazing dancer! Just follow my lead! " he tells you. You mirror his movements, both of you looking as idiotic as the other.

  The song ends and you and Frank are cracking up. " That was fucking awesome! We were fucking great! " you gasp, struggling to catch your breath. " Damn right we were! " he responds. Mikey comes up behind the two of you and snickers, " Nice moves out there guys. " you point to Frank and tell him, " It was all Dreads. " and Frank grins. You spend the rest of the night hanging mostly with Frank and being goofballs. It's the best time you've had in a while.

  As it gets later, people slowly start to trickle out and head home. Soon it's just you, Frank, the guys from Pencey and a few others you don't know. Ray, Gerard, Mikey and Matt had left a while back. You let out a massive yawn and realize how tired you are. " Fuck, I'm tired. I wanna go home. I'm gonna go. " you tell the group. " Aweeee, okay. " Frank pouts. " We probably should be too. Do you want us to take you home. " Hambone says, the only one who's sober. You decline and say you're fine. He raises his eyebrow as if to say ' Are you sure about that? ' 

  You go to grab your jacket and stumble a little. Frank catches you, or at least he tries to. He is just as unsteady on his feet as you are. You both fall to the ground. As you sit up you see stars. " Whoa, I'm dizzy. " you giggle. Hambone helps you up while Shawn helps Frank. " Yup, you're not walking home by yourself like this. Let's get youse to the van before you hurt yourselves. " Hambone shakes his head. You try and protest but he refuses to hear it. 

  You and Frank sit in the very back seat of the van, Shawn has the middle row all to himself, Tim is in the passenger seat and Hambone drives. You and Frank sit there discussing your music tastes. You freak out when you learn he also loves Misfits. " What's your favourite song?! " you ask excitedly. " Bullet. " he responds. " Yes! Fucking banger! " you clap. You and him start singing it, laughing extra hard at the second verse. You make obscene gestures while singing. 

" My cum be your life source
And the only way to get it
Is to suck or fuck
Or be poor and devoid
And masturbate me, masturbate me
Then slurp it from your palm
Like a dry desert soaking up rain
Soaking up sun
Like a dry desert soaking up rain
Soaking up sun "

  By the end, you and Frank are in hysterics. " Holy crap! I fucking love that song! It's fucking amazing! " you wheeze. Just when you think you've calmed down, you make silent eye contact with Frank in a ten-second staring contest, you start to laugh again. " I told you my favourite song, now what's yours? " Frank asks. " Oh, that's a hard one. They're all fucking great. " You sit there thinking for a solid minute before responding. " Hatebreeders. " you decide finally. Frank nods. " Walk Among Us is just a fucking banging album as a whole. " he says. " Agreed. " 

  " 'Kay, this is your stop. " Hambone tells you. " Aight, see you Monday Deads. See the rest of you when I see you next. " you say as you get out of the van. " Hey! Where's my hug Y/N? " Frank calls after you, offended. " I'm sorry Dreads. I didn't know I was obligated to give you one. " you roll your eyes with a smirk. " Well, you are. You are obligated to give me a hug every time you see me and every time you leave. " he huffs with a tone of finality. You laugh, " Okay Dreads, whatever. "

  You go to hug Frank and he holds you tight. Then as you pull away he tries to kiss you. You see it coming and turn your face so he gets your cheek. He looks confused for a split second. You quickly jump out and rush to your door, shouting your thanks over your shoulder.

  You feel bad about the kiss. It's not Frank's fault at all. You just haven't exactly had time for a relationship recently and don't know how to respond to the sudden budding romance. You can't deny that you're attracted to him, dreads and all. He makes you laugh harder than you have in a while. You feel comfortable with him even though you've only known each other for five days. You've been too busy with school to even think about a relationship. You've been acting as if you weren't interested in a relationship the past few days but the guy is stubborn and determined, he keeps pursuing you, making it harder to reject him.


  You spend most of the day either studying or mixing the album. Then all of a sudden Gerard calls and tells you that him and the rest of the band needed another guitarist. " What do you mean another guitarist?! Where the hell are you gonna find one so short notice?! We don't have time for that! I have until Wednesday to finish it before Geoff takes over for production! " you stress out. " Hey, calm down. We asked Frank- " Gerard begins but you cut him off. " You asked Dreads?! " you ask, a little worried.

  You've never actually got to see him play and you weren't sure how good of a guitarist he is. And up until now you had no idea he was a guitarist. As far as you knew he was just a vocalist. " I've seen him play. He's actually really good. His style is great. I think it would fit in perfectly with Ray's. " Gerard says. You're still a little apprehensive but try and ignore it. " Okay, I wasn't planning to come in tomorrow because I have exams in the morning but I'll come by afterwards, show you guys the mix and give Frank a copy on an old MP3 player I have so he can write his part. We can record it when he's done. " you explain after taking a deep breath. Gerard agrees and you hang up.

  You work on the mix for the rest of the day so it's done for tomorrow.

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