Chapter 44

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    If we fail to nourish our souls, they wither and without soul, life ceases to have meaning...

        "You're staring." Klaus' raspy voice rings out as I lay next to him on the bed, my eyes fixated on him and my lips curled up in a smile.

       "Just admiring."

     He swiftly turns to glance at me and my smile widens. "What exactly?"

       "Beauty. Aren't we supposed to admire attractive things? And you sir, you're very attractive, therefore, I will stare at you." I lean in, allowing my eyes to trail to his lips. They were unreal, managing to look so attractive and attention drawing even at such early hours of the morning.

       "You're a tease." He chokes out his laughter, gripping my hips as he pins me against the bed, pressing his lips to  mine.

       I burst out into a fit of giggles against his lips as I attempt shoving him off. "Get off Klaus."

        "Klaus? Are you up? You need to get ready for school." Elsie's voice comes up, behind the door. That irks him and gets him moving away from me. A smirk lingers on my lips as I watch the frustration clearly display on his face. "Um...get Raven up too."
      I'm snapped out of my trance when I hear my name and I roll my eyes, stepping out of bed.

       "Shower together? It'd save time." Klaus suggests, giving me a wicked smirk, his eyes glistening.

       I really round the room, grabbing my necessities for the morning. "Nice try buddy," I hiss, patting his shoulder blade. "Your bathroom is almost the size of my room, occupying a shower and bathtub. We'll make it work."

        "What's the difference?" He groans, following me into the bathroom.

        "No touching." I wink.


      "Klaus!" Taylor waves frantically before running over. I don't hide my surprise when she runs in what is possibly a two inches tall wedge. She flashes Klaus a bright smile beside me and then goes ahead to fucking act as if I wasn't standing right there. "Haven't really talked to you lately."

       I roll my eyes, almost banging my head against the lockers behind me. Doesn't she get tired of the same thing every fucking time? She had to start flirting with him. He wasn't interested in her and he wasn't going to be.

       "Uh–yeah, been busy." Klaus says, clearing his throat.

       "Well... do you think we could catch up today? Hang out? Just do something!" She says enthusiastically.

         "Totally!" Klaus replies with just as much enthusiasm which makes her smile widen. I stare at him in disbelief beside her but he fails to notice me. "But Raven has to come along."

        "Can't she go find some stoner to stalk?" Taylor scoffs and I roll my eyes.

         "And...we're done here." Klaus drawls, grabbing my wrist as he leads me to his locker.

       "Ravenna Black to the principal's office." The school's speakers come on, sending the message literally through every part of the office. Klaus gives me a strange look which I reply to with a shrug. He didn't know my dad was fucking the principal yet and that's why I'm not home but I didn't need him to know that yet. I still felt kind of okay around him, he took away my worries and didn't offer them to me to discuss...because he didn't know about them.

      "Time to face the bitch, I guess." I mutter under my breath. I turn to look at Klaus whose brow is now raised. "I'll meet you in biology?"

            "Sure," He nods before pressing his lips to my forehead. "Don't piss her off."

            "Will try." I snort.

         The secretary fails to say a word to me when I step in but gestures toward the office with her head while working on something else on her desktop. I approach the office and when I step in, I am met with what I'd put in as the least appearing thought on my mind. My dad and Jenna sat opposite Principal Ella whose gaze was now locked on me.

      My dad and Jenna catch her eyes and pivot to look at me. I observe Jenna is wearing one of her good suits which either mean she had a business meeting this morning or this was the business meeting. My dad reaches out to touch me but I flinch away.

       "Don't even..."

      "Raven, we're not here to attend to your usual childish attitude." Principal Ella says, sitting erect.

        "You're one to talk. If this has nothing to do with my academic performance, I suggest you move the zipper from your pantsuit to your mouth." I slowly seethe with anger.

        "Let's get to business then, shall we?" Jenna is the first to really get to the point. "Your father requests you stop seeing Niklaus Larson."

        "No fucking way."

      "He also requires you to come back home."

         "Not happening." I shrug, folding my arms.

         "Or risk the chances of him letting go of the rights he has as your guardian. A scenario which may lead the child services to find you a new home." Jenna concludes, giving me a hard stare.

       I'm caught completely off guard by this ultimatum. Was I even meant to be surprised? My father was a dick and Jenna was a basic fuckwad no matter how much I was nice to her sometimes.

         I bite on my lower lip to stop myself from getting into the occasional painful fit of laughter I got in whenever hurtful situations happened in the most ridiculous way. "You're really serious about starting a new family, aren't you?"

      My dad plays the victim, wearing a sad look. "Just come home and nothing's going to happen."

        "I come home and shit happens anyway," I sniff, wiping the back of my hand against my nose. "You go back to being an ass, regretting me and Jenna goes back to acting like she has fucking control over my life when in reality, she doesn't have any special role."

        "That's not true..."

      "I can't do this anymore," I feel the tears stinging my eyes now. "Go the fuck ahead, don't be my parent. Never felt like I had one anyway."

        "You're making the wrong decision." Jenna interrupts my father who's about to let out a sentence.

          "My life is kind of filled with that. Let's start with my birth." I tsk, wiping a finger underneath my eye.


      "I guess it's Ravenna Hill now, isn't it, Trent?" I ask, referring to my mother's last name.

        "You're such a spoilt little brat." Jenna spits out.

        "And you're an absolute egotistical bitch slash fuckwad." I raise my brow. "And don't bother about the child services Jennifer, I'd have a new guardian by the end of the week, I'm not as hopeless as you think."

      I turn and grip the cold metal.

     "How rude of me? Ellie, don't give birth to a bastard, Trent, be a better dad, would you? The perfect suburban one. And Jenna, be a nicer aunt, don't stick your nose in your nephews and nieces business. Not that, you'd actually be related."

     And with that I walk straight out the room. Proper definition of a bad morning.

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