Chapter 15

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Chaos is an angel who fell in love with a demon...

          I groan for the umpteenth time, face planting onto the calculus textbook right in front of me. It smelled just the way any other book would have, fresh, cold, woodsy, it smelled great.

       "Uh..." Zoie drawls, probably giving me the weirdest look ever. "When you're done sniffing that, you might want to give me the talk on how you became half a dog."

         I jerk my head backwards and roll my eyes. "Excuse you. Have you smelled a book before?"

            "No," she replies, shuffling through the notes to pack up. "Maybe it's because I'm normal and sane."

           "Whatever," I shut the textbook. "Are we done for today?"

           "Unless you've got another problem I don't know about."

        "Oh, I'm staring at it right now." A smirk slips on to my face at the brilliant comeback.

             She growls, aggressively shifting her chair backwards just so she could get up. "I hope you really got all that because this most certainly wasn't pleasant."

         "Buzz kill!" I cup a side of my mouth and call after her as she exits the library.

         "Shut up!" Somebody yells behind me and I roll my eyes.

          I grab my backpack and make my way out of the public library. After school study session was most definitely not my idea but Zoie had said she was so busy in school and we had to have a go at the public library after school. So, I spent the next three hours after school studying again. What a great day I had, thanks to Mrs. Clarke, the calculus teacher.

       I place my backpack on my motorcycle and grab my helmet, I take a quick survey glance around before placing it over my head and getting on my bike. It sure was a busy day. The streets were crowded and the cars were going all crazy.

      I'm about to take the next turn to my house when a jeep suddenly makes it appearance out of thin air. I'm forced to hit the brake pedal but not quick enough as another car comes charging towards my direction from another path.

          "Raven!" I hear someone yell out my name but not before I black out. I think I caught a speck of the wreckless jeep driver's hair. It was dark and awfully familiar.

             "Is she going to be okay?" I hear someone ask as my eyes slowly flutter open. I take in my surrounding and everything is white as fuck and extremely blinding. I catch my dad talking to a woman in a white coat beside the bed I'm laid on and that's when I realize I'm in a fucking hospital. 

             My first reaction is to get off the bed but my dad grips my shoulder steady. I give him the stink eye, trying to get him to understand we were not in the stage of getting all close yet. Not like before.

          "What the hell happened?" I groan, placing my fingers to my temple as I'm suddenly hit by an awful migraine.

         The doctor scribbles something on the board she's holding before looking up at me. "You got into an accident."

            "An accident?" I repeatedly ask and she nods her head.

         "Some teenager brought you here and contacted your father," The doctor gives me the full details. "There's no major damage, just some minor injuries, nothing we haven't taken care of. You can leave today if you wish."

           My dad gives a small appreciative nod towards the doctor before she exits the room.

           "How are you feeling?"

       "Like a shit ton of tiny humans are having a rock party in my head." I almost scream my reply but keep it easy since my head was already pounding.

           My dad doesn't push it after that and just briefly nods his head. "You hungry?"

           I exhale digging into the burger my dad just got us from the drive-in. It felt good to eat some junk after something tragic. I had personally asked for three burgers and two extra large milkshake. I was that hungry.

          Jenna almost tackles me trying to give me a hug when I get into the house. "Kid, are you okay? Damn, I was so worried."

      She almost squeezes the life out of me at that moment and I think how ironic it would be if she actually succeeded in doing that. "Um...not a hugger."

             I choke out my words and she swiftly releases me. "Sorry, I'm just so glad you're okay."

           "Yeah, I am too. I'm not dead. Everyone's fake happy. I'm going to my room now." I brutally say and head for the stairs.

         My dad's probably wondering what he ever did to get a daughter like me. I could give him a damn list if he could sit his ass down and listen to me without getting some alcohol.

        I notice the little scratch I have on the side of my forehead when I step into the bathroom and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I practically looked okay. Nothing about how I looked now screamed accident so I was good.

       I get a quick shower before slipping into bed. I was a little tired.

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