Chapter 7

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    your demons hide under your bed,mine hide in my head...

        I give out another one of my infamous sighs, my pen lightly tapping against the thick notebook placed before me. The school got to me each day. The staffs. The principal. The teachers. Hell, even the students. I was an inch away from ripping an individual's head off in the building. And it wasn't some sort of joke.

        The final bell sounds and I make it among the first students to get out. It was lunch break. The only time I didn't go crazy in the school.

        The line in the cafeteria is longer than I know and I find myself cutting through, giving out a growl to anyone who wanted to share their unimportant opinion.

         "Back of the line." A girl smiles at me when I slip a foot between her and another guy standing just in front of her.

         I snap my head towards her, my eyes assessing her neck–length brown hair and lovely light brown eyes. They reminded me of smoky quartz.

       I let out a soft growl before facing the front of the line again. Like I hadn't noticed her. A second later, I feel a jerk on my shoulder and that immediately triggers my anger.

         "Didn't you hear me?" The girl snaps. "Back of the line baby girl."

     She gestures towards the end of the line with her thumb, not even bothering to see how long it is.

          I find myself chuckling in seconds. "How about you just shut the hell up and we're both good. Huh?"

         "Some people have been here longer and if you think you can just cut lines because you've got a–leather jacket–" she flicks the right shoulder of my jacket. "And some biker's boots...oh baby, you are so wrong."

         I stare at her in shock for a while. I was definitely taken aback. No one had actually made it their business to really call me off with some real attitude like this.

          "What's your name?" I find myself asking.

          "Zoie." She smirks, shoving me out of the line. "Be sure to add it to the list of names that don't take shit."

           I smile to myself, repeatedly nodding my head. I pivot, making it seem like I'm leaving before making a dashing movement to the front of the line. The students there all protest and yell but I ignore them, shoving myself between the lunch lady and the guy she was serving.

         "I. Am. So. Hungry." I pant, leaning against the counter like an hopeless being.

         "Alright. Let the kid have her food." The woman shrugs and I don't resist the urge to smirk while I slowly turn to catch the dirty expression on Zoie's face.



        Shawn and I both wait for the line in the cafeteria to hopefully start moving faster than it was. They were serving some really good food today so I wasn't really surprised to find that the line consisted of almost everyone in the school building.

        Shawn rambles on about something I'm unable to focus on as my mind flashes back to my occurrence with Ravenna. She seemed pretty brave, dark, undeniably beautiful and there was an aura of just charming confidence. She was fucking sexy.  But she didn't really seem to like me... honestly, she didn't seem to like anyone. Especially Taylor Cooper. Fuck. That was proven when she pointed the pocket knife at her in front of the entire school.

        My thoughts seem to play games with me when Ravenna steps in between the line, a few metres away from Shawn and I. I watch as she talks with someone for a while before getting shoved out of the line. Zoie Hunter's face comes into view and I exhale, putting my hand to my face. She could be pretty brutal.

          An impressed look flashes across Ravenna's face for a second and the next, she's making her way towards the back again. At least, that's the impression she gives off until she dashes towards the front again, ignoring the angry students remarks and yells. Shawn smacks me, making a comment about her being crazy. I shake my head, hands brushing my hair back.

          She wasn't crazy, she was...badass.

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