Chapter 68

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     -Where do you want to go?

      "I now pronounce you husband and wife," the officiant announces, gazing at the couple. "You may now kiss the bride."

      Oh hell no.

     My father's actions are swift as he pulls Ella in for a kiss before I even have the chance to avert my gaze. The crowd around me goes wild when their lips connect. Was I the only one who just experienced a distressing moment?

        "I am really proud of you Raven," River grins, staring at me with a glass of champagne in hand. "I really thought you were going to get up at the whole 'speak now or forever hold your peace' moment."

       Kat continuously nods her head as if in agreement with River. "Yeah, I actually thought she was going to go all 'Yo bitch! Step away from my pops. I don't need your whole nasty vagin–"

     "Kat, honey, that's enough." I hush her, pulling her to myself. She leans her head on my shoulder and I can smell the booze off her.

       I turn and catch River and Klaus downing a bottle of champagne. "Am I the only one who isn't drunk yet?"

      "Well, I'm full baby," Klaus slurs, staggering over to my side as well. "You can have my glass."

        "No, I don't want to drink."

      "C'mon, loosen up," He presses his cold lips to my neck. "It's a wedding."

        I gaze up to look at Riv, who seemed to be the least drunk of the trio. "Think you can handle the both of them? I've got to use the bathroom."

       "Of course, I got this." He winks, attempting to reassure me. However, when he gulps down a whole glass full of champagne, he doesn't really sell me off the whole 'I got this'.

     I gently slip away from the sleepy yet much awake Kat. I make my movements towards the bathroom quick. I didn't trust the three of them to be alone. Drunk. Damn, I wouldn't even trust them if they were sober. How was I suddenly the responsible one?

      I ease myself and step out to catch Jenna reapplying a layer of lipstick in front of the huge bathroom mirror.

      "No rude comments?" She arches a brow as I wash up. My eyes narrow as I watch her through the mirror. "That's progress. You'll need to learn to keep that mouth of yours shut anyway since you're going to be living with others now."

     "Such confidence radiating off someone who's going to be homeless soon," I smirk, shutting the tap. She pivots, gazing at me with clear confusion. "You think Ella would really appreciate you living with her husband now?"

      I grab a paper towel to wipe my hands, my steps inching closer to her. "You don't think it's a matter of time before she gets sick of seeing you around? Or thinks you're some kind of threat to her because you're...younger? Prettier? His ex wife's sister."

        "You're being ridiculous Raven, if anything, she's going to get sick of you with that irritating attitude of yours." She says, sounding so sure of herself.

       I let out a low chuckle, pressing my fingers to my lips. "No matter how she feels about me, she can't do shit. My father and I can't really be separated, seeing as he's guilt ridden and that has been proven when you tried to pull your law shit with us." I press closer, almost backing her to the wall now. "It's classic Cinderella except I'm not waiting for some prince to come save me, I don't listen to bitches and I'd practically stab anyone who proves difficult in the face. I'm here to stay Jenna. You're not. It's game over Jennifer."

      I watch her eyes bulge and that's when I step aside, dropping the wrinkled napkin in my hands into the waste bin before sauntering off.

       I appear to find where I'd left the three morons empty. What happened to the 'I got this' I knew I couldn't rely on but hoped for. I let out a loud groan of frustration before trailing off to find them. I round the hallway twice before exploring other rooms. I approach them where I least expected them to be in. The pool.

      "What do you think you're doing?" I direct the question at the drunkards in front of me now. They were in the middle of taking off their clothes to go for a swim.

       "Cooling off," Riv responds in an obvious tone. He turns to gaze at the others, gesturing his head towards me like I was the dumbest person in the room. "Duh."

      "You guys can't swim drunk," I moan, face palming. "You could puke in the pool or just drown. Kat can barely swim."

      "That's not true." She immediately counters.

       "River! Katherine!" I pivot to catch Maggie staring at us in awe. "Are you kids going for a swim?"

        "Yes." The trio reply at the same time I give my opposite response.

       "They're drunk," I explain to Maggie. "Um–Do you think you could take them off my hands? I'm kind of stuck babysitting."

     She gives a warm smile. "Sure. It's your father's wedding after all. You should have a nice time."

     She calls for Kat and River to come with her and they oblige, giving disgruntled mutters like kids.

      "I got this one." I tell her, referring to Klaus. She nods before disappearing with my best friends.

       "Why'd you let them go?" Klaus moans, running his fingers through his hair.

      I ignore his question, scrunching up my nose. "Wow. You really stink of booze."

      "Want to go back to our room?"

     I roll my eyes at how we both managed to keep changing the subject. We were spending the night here. Not that I ever agreed to any of this. My dad had booked the hotel next to the hall and most of his guests were staying over so he only saw it right that he stayed with. Which meant...I stay with.

       "Sure. Just..." My sentence is cut short when I lose balance and wind up in the pool in the next second. "What was that for?"

       I scream at Klaus who was standing at the edge, roaring with laughter. His dimples got in deeper and he looked absolutely delightful even when he was so fucking wasted at the moment.

       "Geronimo!!" He yells before diving into the pool with a huge splash as well. I squeal, lowering myself.

       "Who still says that? What are you..."

       "Seventeen? Yes. Yes, I am." He chuckles, swimming over to my side.

       "We're in the pool now." I state the obvious, patting my wet hair.

        "Cool, right?" He grins. "I just thought what kind of rebelling teenagers would we be if we didn't seize the chance to get into this pool."

      "We didn't have to get in with our clothes on." I scowl.

      "Jeez, loosen up Raven," He says, chuckling. He splashes the water in my direction. "It is your dad's wedding."

       I groan, throwing back my head. "I'm hearing that a lot more than I need to."

        He laughs, pulling me to himself. "I love you."

       "You still reek of booze."

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