Chapter 6

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I can't fight what I can't see
I can't fight the monster in me....


I yawn loudly, stepping into the house. It surprisingly didn't have that welcoming stench of alcohol and my father's disappointing reviews.

The house also happened to be very much empty.

Did he decide to start going back to work?

I ignore the question in my head after a while and make my way into the room, swiftly stripping off the awful uniform. I had it laid on the floor, going ahead to get into black sweatpants and shirt. There was some sort of relief that came with being out of the awful thing.

I stalk into the kitchen in just socks, warming up a plate of Mac 'n Cheese in the microwave before settling down to eat.

Most people think being alone is...lonely but it's really not that bad, well, at least when you've gotten used to it.

I place my plate in the sink as soon as I'm done, not bothering to clean up at the moment, I absent mindedly trail up to my room to read a book and hopefully fall asleep.



"Dude, can you calm the hell down?" Shawn chuckles, holding on to his stomach while we had a video chat which was going on, on my laptop. "She just didn't wave back."

I spin around in my small office chair. "Yeah! That's the thing! She didn't!"

"She's probably new or something. You know no girl can ignore you." He humourously remarks, giving me a wink which I reply to with a scrunched up face.

"I want her name!" I growl.

"Larson's smitten so easily?" Shawn tsks waggling his brows. "I'm not impressed."

I let out a loud scoff rolling my eyes. "Klaus Larson does not get smitten."

"Yeah! You go boy!" Shawn whoops, jumping around his room. I quickly react to this with an eye roll.

"How do I even know you again?"

"Man, I don't even-"

The call is suddenly interrupted and it swiftly comes to an end. I sigh, shutting my laptop, getting off my chair.

I don't waste time in slumping on to my bed, staring at the ceiling while a shit ton of thoughts crept in all at once.

Why didn't she wave back?

Was what drove me absolutely insane the most.



The taunting smell of bacon jerks me out of bed the next morning, causing me to make the reaction of checking the time on my phone as quickly as I can.

"Shit." I cuss, tossing my blanket away while I stumble into the bathroom struggling to get off my pajamas top.

I was going to be late for school.

Not that I cared but detention was hell and I didn't want to have to go through that again.

I slide down the arm of the staircase, to get downstairs in the middle of my impatient attempt at preparing for school. My hair was still wet and the water dripping from the tip of it slightly irritated my skin but I didn't want to stop for a second just because of that little thing.

"Ravenna? You're still home?" My dad walks into the living room where I'm busy tossing around for my keys.

"Nope. This is just an illusion of your daughter. You're currently drunk and out of your mind." I sarcastically remark tossing a pillow. The key lies under and I grab it, making my way towards the door. "Bye dad."


My dad and I rarely speak and most of the occasions we do, I'm mean and I don't mind taking the bad opinion most people have come to see me within that area. I just don't like them walking up to me with such dumb assumptions when they don't really know the history between my father and I.

The looks I get riding up to school in my motorcycle is worse than that of the day before. Could this people be anymore bratty and optimistic?

"She really needs to learn the school rules." I hear Taylor mutter as I walk past her in the hallway, keys rolling down my finger.

I shake my head, stalking towards my locker. "Should have cut out her mouth at least."

"Two, one, one, four, six." I hear a voice with an incredibly thick accent mumble and I come to a stop in front of my locker. I lock gazes with the boy from the parking lot yesterday. The one with dark hair. He smiles brightly at me, his hand holding on to my open locker. "That's your combination isn't it Ravenna?"

I loudly exhale, pivoting twice out of frustration before turning to face the ginger haired boy again. "Hey. I'm Raven. Not really nice to meet you. You are? I really need a name to add under Taylor's for the bizarre people I've met in my really short time here."

I rush my words feigning a huge smile and his brows raise questioningly.

"Klaus Larson, I guess."

His name catches my interest and my fake smile swiftly turns real. "British much. Parents must really love the devil himself."

"You mean Niklaus Mikaelson?" He asks.

I shake my head, grabbing some books from my locker. "Oh no, I mean Buffy the vampire slayer."

He lets out a low chuckle and I roll my eyes, jerking my locker door out of his hand, loudly shutting it. I step closer to him, taking in every detail. He really had nice blue eyes. I quickly drop my voice to a whisper, leaning in real close. "I can have my code changed and I don't mind doing that everyday to get you away. Do not ever make the mistake of using my full name again and for fuck's sake, act along with the other students to make this school less creepy."

I stomp off after that, not making the mistake of looking back. Weirdos all around me.

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