Chapter 19

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     Everyone is fighting with their own demons,so don't be an asshole when the world is already a shitty place to live in...


        I let out an ear piercing scream pushing at the closest brick wall. I try silencing myself by throwing punches at the wall but it does nothing but give me bloody knuckles. My palms go flat against the wall when I know I'm unable to take anymore of it and I wipe at the tears I didn't even know were there until I reached for my face. In a swift movement, I hop on my motorcycle and ride off with no exact location in place.

      I was stupid. Obviously. Why would I even let anything, anyone get to me like that after I had been harshly broken the years before. After I'd been brutally shattered and no one in the world had given a damn, I had to learn to shield myself from the harsh behaviours people had offered me while my father did nothing but handled his with alcohol.

   Fucking Alcohol!

        I had no idea why I had even gotten some sort of entangling liking to Larson. Maybe it was because he kept pushing back no matter how much I pushed him away. Maybe it was because we always ended up finding a way back to each other no matter how much I wanted him away. Maybe it's screwing because, somewhere, deep down, I thought we were bound to meet and I believed that. But fuck that now. Everything's a lie.

     His psycho behaviour today had made me believe otherwise. I had thought he wasn't as brutal and spoilt as the other kids in the school but I was beyond wrong and I would be insane to even give him the chance to get to me like that again.

        I press on my brake in the harshest way possible. My chest heaves up and down with panic as I toss the helmet I care for more than anyone to the side.

      My movements are stiff as I step away from my bike and head into the peaceful cemetery. The attendant, John tries throwing a few greetings towards me but I just ignore and head straight for my mom's head stone. My body seems to have control over themselves as I slump down to it, not minding any damage that could be done to me and let out one of the worst sobbing spree of my life.

      I lie there, feeling cold and broken yet again as I try putting out my words to my mom. I'd never felt as pathetic as this after she had died. I never thought I'd feel it again. Maybe I was being dramatic, I was better than this. I knew I was. I had gone through so much more after she died. Hateful comments from people, snide remarks, harsh behaviours...I even had to deal with her alcoholic husband. I felt disappointed that I was letting a boy do this to me. I felt stupid for letting my guard down again. But even more, I felt brutally foolish for actually liking this boy.

      "Hey kid?" I lift my head to take a glance at John, who's currently hovering over me. That's when I notice it's already dark out and I may have even gone into a small daze when crying here. "You've got to get home. You've been here for hours. Want me to call your dad?"

         I immediately shrug, getting up. "I'm fine, John."

     Fuck my voice for being a hypocrite at that moment because it cracked.

        "I'll just go home now."

     He nods and I take one more glance at my mom's headstone before heading out of the cemetery.

        I had done a lot of stupid things recently but I wasn't going to anymore. Hitting on my gas pedal, I miss the turn to go home and smile to myself knowing I may have done one thing right.


         I constantly repeat my apology in my head as I approach Raven's locker. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did yesterday. It was wrong of me to have had my grip on her like that. She could have chosen not to come even after Shawn asked her to. I was also stupid to think she'd have just magically known my address. Of course she had to have gotten it from somewhere. I had treated her wrongly and I knew it.

        For someone like Raven to care enough to actually visit me during one of my weakest times, then she actually was a good person even with all those walls of hers built up so high.

     I was probably the first person she'd shown concern to in a long while and I had treated her badly. I was an ass.

        I finally reach her locker but she's nowhere to be seen. I exhale, deciding to shift it to one of the classes we had together or even lunch break. I was afraid of her reaction and while the apology couldn't wait. It could.

          "Klaus!" Shawn suddenly yells, swaggering towards me. He pulls me into a brief hug before releasing me. "Raven really talked you out of it, didn't she?"

         "She sure talked." I mutter under my breath.

         "What was that?" He inquires, his smile not leaving his face.

        "Um...nothing. Do you happen to know where Raven is by any chance?"

           "Haven't you heard?" His smile suddenly drops and my brow arches, curiosity running through my mind.

           "Heard what?"

        "Raven's missing. Her dad and aunt called last night. She wasn't home and she hasn't been sighted in school today," he says. "If she isn't found by the end of today, this will be a major missing person's case."

        My heart immediately drops at that. What had I done?

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