Chapter 60

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   When is a monster not a monster?

   Oh, when you love it.


        I awake to a much disturbing attitude from River. He wasn't being hilarious, neither was he being annoying but he was putting up very awkward acts. Did a kiss really mean that much? Wasn't it just mere skin contact?

       "Will you be going to school today?" Riv asks when I appear downstairs still wearing the clothes Margaret had presented me with yesterday. They were both having breakfast and Riv seemed all kit up for school. Lucky him. Didn't have to wear a uniform.

      "Probably not," I stretch out, giving a loud yawn. "I should get home though, I need a change of clothes and a clear mindset."

       "You're welcome to stay here anytime, you do know that, right?" Maggie cuts in.

       "Of course I do and I appreciate that," I give a slight grin, nodding my head. "But I should get home. I don't need my dad worrying anymore than he probably wasn't."

    I notice her lips tug down at my words but I ignore that. The truth wasn't really meant to bother her.

       I trail towards the door, bunching the awful shoes from the previous day in my hands. Kat is never playing dress up with me again.

      "You're leaving now?" Riv questions, his eyes bulging.

       I lift a brow, trying to get him to spill about the big deal in that. I didn't need to be a liability to his family. I'm enough of that to most of the people around me.

          "I'll come with you then. I'm going to school anyway."

       I smirk. His awkwardness was slowly dissipating. It's not as bad as when I awoke and caught him staring at me with wide eyes or when he'd tried to get out of bed and just stumbled over the blanket while mumbling gibberish. He had gotten clumsy too.

        I thank Maggie for her kindness once again before I take off with Riv. I feel quite comfortable with the silence in between us as we walk but I'm not certain the same could be said for him. He looked like he could explode if I made the briefest of skin contact.

       "What happened to your car?" I finally ask when I'm assured we're just a few minutes away from my home.

         "Mechanics. She's feeling funky." He shrugs.

       "You okay?" I squint my eyes at the approaching morning sun when I reach out to touch his hair. As expected, he flinches and begin mumbling a bunch of words I'm unable to keep track of. "I'll take that as a no."

        I decide to keep the silence in between us after that and soon find myself staring at my house. Looked normal. Obviously. Houses didn't scream the emotions the owners had. I guess I just expected more distress to it. Maybe Klaus had stopped by and Jenna was freaking out because he had spilled the beans. Maybe my dad had punched him...or hugged him since they were co-killers. Partners in crime. Bonnie and Clyde. Just the male versions.

       "Raven?" River finally speaks up when I'm about approaching my doorstep.

        I pivot to glance at him with a cryptic expression.

        "Did–Did the kiss mean something to you?"

       I bite down on my lip to prevent from snorting at his question. "What are you? Like five? Riv, Klaus and I broke up..."

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