Chapter 54

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  At times she was strange and dangerous but mostly, she was sweet and scared and harmless...


     A satisfying sigh escapes my lips as I place both I and Raven's bag to the bed in the room we've decided to share so Shawn and his girlfriend could have the other one. The last room currently served as a storage space and it'd be a waste of time to start pulling things apart once again.

     I slump onto the bed, my body racking with fatigue. The drive here hadn't been extremely fair. We had to stop for gas twice on the way over and that's only because Shawn had borrowed my Jeep late last night and forgot to fill it up for this morning. We had almost gotten ourselves stranded in the middle of the freaking road when God decided to point us to the nearest gas station before the vehicle gave up.

       Speaking of Shawn, he had appeared with this girlfriend of his, who I couldn't fail to admit was quite pretty with her long brown locks and honey eyes. She had dimples indented in both cheeks and everytime she smiled, she seemed to appear prettier than she actually was. I was proud of Shawn for going for the good stuff.

      "Got you snacks," Raven states, tossing me a bag of chips as she takes a seat next to me on the bed, causing it to slightly bounce as she did so. "Figured you were probably hungry."

       "Thanks." I briefly raise the bag before gripping it to myself, letting out short breaths. I await a few more minutes before flipping myself onto my stomach so I could get into a proper laid down position while I ate.

      I watch as Raven gets off the bed and goes ahead to probe her bag for a while before pulling out an unfamiliar novel. Of bloody course she'd bring a book on a trip like this.

       "I'm going to take a bath." She gestures towards the door. The bathroom happened to be separated from the rooms here.

       I'm yet to give the flirty reply in my head when she excuses herself with the book in hand. I pause, a little confused, trying to think if I'd upset her in anyway today. I convince myself otherwise, seeing as if I had actually gotten on her nerves, she'd have tossed me out the window on our drive here.

       I leave the room to go into the small, comfortable living room where I'm certain would be so much more lively than the four cornered walls of this room.

       "I figured you'd be asleep by now," Amy gives me a small smile when I step into the living room. Shawn and her are currently together, browsing through the channels on the TV. "Guess I was wrong."

        I take a seat next to her, lifting her legs which had been crossed, taking up the space on the sofa and place them on my laps.

       "What are we watching?" I inquire, referring to Shawn now.

       "SpongeBob," Amy swiftly replies. I turn to give her an horrific expression which she reacts to with bubbly laughter. "I'm kidding. We should watch a horror movie. Raven should be into those."

       "Where is she?" Shawn asks, shifting his gaze from the screen for just a brief second.

       "Bathroom." I curtly reply.

     "We should watch The Dead don't die," Amy eagerly suggests and I lift a brow at her. "I recently got the suggestion. Excuse me for wanting to try it out."

        "You do realize it's almost dark out and watching a horror movie isn't that advisable." Shawn butts in.

       "Excuse me? Are you trying to be sexist?" She scoffs, sassily shoving her hair backwards.

         "I'm not even going to lead this argument on." Shawn shakes his head, turning back to the TV, trying to get the movie Amy just suggested.

        Raven walks in, her hair appearing wet from the bath she just got out of. She had on a huge black shirt with short sweats. Her lack of bra underneath her clothing caused her nipples to point out, giving a rather interesting view of her chest.

      She glances towards Amy and I before going to stretch out on the second sofa. Shawn finally manages to put on the movie and rushes to take his seating position on the floor, just in front of Amy and I.

     Halfway through the movie, I'm practically sure I'm watching Raven more than the shit on the screen. Her expression remains the same during all the scenes, even in the ones Amy screams, throws up the popcorn Shawn had gone to make her, covers her eyes, cling on to me and jump onto her boyfriend. She cares to even let out a yawn during one of the frightening scenes. The reasonable assumption was that she'd probably seen the movie before.

       "Why did we decide on that again?" Amy asks when the movie is over, teeth chattering.

       "I don't know. Some smartass girl said she'd gotten the suggestion." I tease her, getting off the sofa.

      "I'm gonna go crash." Raven yawns, stretching out as she gets off her seat as well.

        "Goodnight Raven!" Amy waves her off enthusiastically and I roll my eyes as I mouth a goodnight to both Shawn and herself before following after Raven.

      The bed has been divided by an invisible force when I get there as I watch Raven cling to only one part of the bed, like crossing over to the other side would cause the entire universe to shatter.

        I excuse her attitude as I pull on my sweats and a white shirt. It was a cold night. I grab a hoodie to offer to Raven since she definitely couldn't sleep in that outfit of hers.

        "You asleep?" I ask, settling myself beside her, a hand underneath my head.

     She doesn't reply but flips over to look at me.

         "Are you mad at me?"

    Still no response. I squirm a little under her scrutinizing gaze now. I attempt shifting off the awkward tension as I offer her my hoodie. "It's cold out tonight."

      "I realized." She finally replies me, her voice a little scratchy.

     "Are you going to wear it or..."

    "I don't like Amy." She blurts out, interrupting me. I come to a halt as I adjust my position to get a proper view of her face.

      "Are you jealous?" I question, trying my best to keep my God damned awful smile off my face.

     "I'm not jealous. I'm just in despair that you've decided to share my attention." She rephrases.

     I chuckle, sitting up and pulling her to do so. "Well don't worry. Amy's taken and so am I,"

      I help in getting my hoodie on her as she stiffly refuses, keen on acting like a child. "I like them bad."

     I pull her in for a kiss on the forehead and watch as a faint blush creeps on her face.

      "Are you... blushing?" I tease.

    "What? No." She groans out, placing her hands to cover up her face.

     "Did I get the ever-stoic, hardcore, total badass Ravenna Black to blush?" I push on, pulling her closer to myself now.

       "It's...It's the cold."

    "Huh. It's the cold, and not that I told you I like them bad." I drop my voice to a whisper as I mutter the last words. The crimson shade deepens and a deep chuckle escapes my mouth.

      Her voice cracks now as she attempts defending herself once again. "N-no."

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