Chapter 57

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  Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly...

                             –Morticia Addams.


         I find it hard to wrap my head around the fact that Principal Ellie is getting married to Raven's dad. A thought that leads me to drift off into the unfortunate news Elsie had recently given me about the connection Raven's mother and I had. I needed a moment to tell her before it all blew up in my face and she ended up hating me.

      "Earth to Nik!" Elsie waves frantically before me. I slip out of my reverie, gazing up at her. "Are you okay?"

       My fingers rub at my temples and I give her what I hope to be a convincing nod. "I'm fine. Just a little bored, honestly. I think I'm going to invite Shawn over."

        "Why can't you go over?" She mumbles and I lift a brow at her.

       "Do you have other plans or something?" I give a teasing smirk.

       "Nope. Just asking a question." She rolls her eyes, trying her possible best to avoid eye contact. She definitely had other plans.

        "Well. I don't feel like leaving the house. I'm going to invite Shawn." I say, reaching for my phone on the table.

        "Just get out of the freaking house!" She blurts out and I pivot to stare at her with wide eyes. I wasn't expecting that outburst. "Someone's coming to visit me."

        I don't miss the hint on the 'someone' and whilst I was meant to act mature, probably nod my head in understanding and just walk away. I just didn't do that with Elsie around.

       "You've got a boyfriend!" I yell loud enough for anyone in the neighborhood to hear. She lunges herself at me, placing her palm against my lips, muffling the words I refuse to let go to rest.

        "Nik! Could you act a little more decent?" She attempts getting me to shut up by putting on her coldest voice. 

        "Fine." I mutter against her palm and give a swift bite before she takes her hand off.

        "You little sh–"

     "See you later!" I cut her off, grabbing my jacket from the sofa. I trail towards the door and make a pause just when I'm at it. "Use protection."

         "Shit!" She completes her sentence from before, annoyance clearly lacing her features. I cackle out loud, shutting the door behind me as I make my final exit.


      "Kat? I don't need a dress." I groan out, trying my best to convince this beautiful yet weird creature that I didn't have to fit into the dance like every one else. Wearing Jeans to a dance was completely normal, right?

      "Of course you do," she brushes me off, going through the racks full of clothes. "I've never seen you in one before and I honestly believe you'd look spectacular."

       River sticks out his tongue from the corner he's been standing, watching Kat and I bicker. He's been awfully quiet today and that kind of got me unsettled.

      "Is Riv okay?" I mutter my question to Kat so he doesn't hear this. I didn't need his ass knowing I actually cared about him.

       "Oh, he's heartbroken," Kat says out loud and I watch him stand upright when he hears that. Kat's voice is laced with humour on the other hand. "Rachael turned him down. Publicly."

        I gasp, my eyes bulging as I turn to look at my other best friend. "You had a crush on Rachael Harper and you didn't tell me?!"

       "It wasn't exactly a crush." He retorts.

       "My God! She's such a bitch and you know it," I snap, directing my index finger towards his chest. "Why'd you even ask her out in the first place if you didn't like her?"

        "Rebound." Kat responds before he can.

        "What am I missing here?" I gape, switching glances between the both of them.

       "That, I cannot say." Kat says, miming shutting her lips with a zipper before tossing an invisible key away.

        "Riv?" I pivot to look at him, hoping he'd open up to me.

        "Ignore Kat," he properly says and his voice comes out even huskier than usual. "It's my life after all. It's all good."

        "This should look good," Kat squeals bringing a purple dress to my chest. It was knee length and almost a bit puffy. I definitely didn't like it. "You'd look like a princess."

        "Yeah, a Sofia the first on crack," I give a tight smile, collecting the dress from her, returning it to its position. "I don't want to look like a princess Kat, and if I do decide to wear a dress, I have one I'd really like at home."

        "So why the hell have we been spending our time here?!" She shrieks, throwing her arms up. "I've been starving. Food court?"

       "I love you," I sigh out loud. I'd been getting starved too. "You hungry Riv?"

        "I guess." He shrugs and I smile, looping both my elbows with theirs.

      We make our way out the dress section and trail around trying to find a good court that'd have something we'd all really love. We got a place that had pizza before but Kat said she didn't want to eat there because one of her classmates had caught diarrhea after eating there and they had terrible customer service.

      We finally find a food court where everything's perfect for our consumption and we spend our money on getting milkshakes and burgers. Kat still wasn't a fan of pizzas.

        "I like this part of you," I grin at Riv, taking a huge bite from the burger in my hand. It was good. "Moody, dark, kind of silent. It's kind of hot."

        He pivots to look at me when I say that and a small smile slips on. "No me  bothering your ass."

        "Oh no, I kind of miss that River but I can make due with this one," I pull a strand of his hair and his smile widens. "Bring Kat to my school's dance?"

     "We'd rather sit it out and watch reruns of Friends," he gags. "We'd stick out in that awfully, fancy rich school of yours."

       "I'm yet to fit in." I slurp at my milkshake.

       "What are you two bumheads talking about?" Kat stalks over with the weirdest cuss words ever. We had been awaiting her return from when she had to excuse herself and tend to her feminine needs.

       "Nothing. Could we go over to Raven's now?" River is quick is speak up.

        "Maybe if you asked a little more nicely." Kat presses and I watch them bicker with a huge smile on.

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