Chapter 25

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  This pain inside just won't go away...

        I grin, grabbing the can of whipped cream just to get some into my mouth.

         "You're disgusting!" Elsie gags, shoving me by the shoulder. Shawn, on the other hand approaches me with a strawberry placing it to the cream in my mouth.

         "If my brother chokes to death, just know you guys are getting matching headstones."

          Shawn let's out a warm, deep sigh as he dreamily stares at Elsie who is currently going round the kitchen, collecting the plates we just used in having lunch.

         "Quit ogling her." I whisper to Shawn, swallowing the contents in my mouth.

          He flips for a second before composing himself once more. "Ogling? I wasn't ogling—"

       Elsie giggles from her spot just behind the sink. "Ignore him Shawn. You know, I'm all for you."

       And with that, she turns to him with a wink.  It sure was nice having her back.


      I grumble, making my way towards the front door. I contemplate leaving the house once again seeing as Jenna might bring her bitch mode on and I wanted none of that. I just needed to crawl in bed, read a book and get two psychotically disturbing boys out of my head.

        I push all other option to the farther part of my thoughts as I open the door. Jenna is seated right in front of the TV with a bowl of pop corn in between her folded legs as she binges a show. That was definitely not the sight I was expecting. I arch a brow at her position and slowly shut the door, awaiting her reaction to seeing me.

        "Raven?" Jenna says, getting off the sofa at the sight of me.

          "I'm all prepared. What do you have to say this time? That I'm shitty? I'm an ass. My mom isn't my mom? I've heard worse Jen." I impatiently ramble, as she stares down at me.

        "I just wanted to apologize about this morning," she gives a defeated sigh. "I shouldn't have said that. It was wrong of me. I guess I get that you're going through this stage of yours...teenager and all but Raven, you can't pull stunts like that on your father and I. We were worried sick about you."

          I stare at the hard wood floor, locking a strand of loose hair behind my ear before gazing back at Jenna. "I'm sorry?"

      I say, uncertain of my apology.

       "I'm sorry too. Hug it out?"

     I begin my trail towards the stairs, gripping the railing. "Haha. Very funny Jen. Got me there!"


      "What?!" Shawn shrieks, staring at the screen in disbelief. "No way in hell did you just beat me right now."

         "Uh...yeah, I just did," I chuckle, staring at my best friend's face. "Check the screen dude."

       Shawn and I had left Elsie a few minutes ago when she claimed she had to run out to get some items and had clashed into my room for a quick game on the play station.

          "You okay man?" Shawn suddenly asks, staring me dead straight in the eye.

        "What?" My laughter falters and I stare back at him. "Of course I am."

       "I'm your best friend. Do I have to constantly keep reminding you of that fact?"

          "Hell no." I fidget, playing around with the game pad in my hands. I stare down at the pillow in from of me and try my best not to seem like a wimp before telling my best friend a bit of the information I think he deserves to know as my main man. "My parents...they want to get a divorce..."

       My voice cracks at the end of my sentence and I hear Shawn whisper "Oh shit." as he cups his mouth with his hand.

         "Does Elsie know about this?" He asks.

     "I don't even know man." I honestly reply. "She's always wanted the family together. It would really destroy her."

          He places his hand to my shoulder and gives me a weak smile. "You're the strongest person I know man, don't be a wimp."

     His last word has me chuckling within seconds as I recall my thoughts just a few minutes ago. I made the right decision to share my crackers with Shawn in the third grade.

          "Another game?"

       "Sure! Just don't lose your head when I beat you again." I have myself laughing so hard at this moment and Shawn tosses a pillow to my face, just to shut me up.

        I wake up the next morning, groaning and turning. I had this unmistakable pain in the lower part of my abdomen and my mouth stung. In an awful, twisted sort of way. Shawn was already gone before the sun arose, just so he could go prepare for school today. I trace to my bathroom to go wash up when I hear screaming and items crashing.

       My movements are swift as I make my way into the bigger space in the house. Just  outside my parents room, Elsie is seated on the marbled floor, still in her pajamas, with her hands to her head, desperately trying to block out their noises. Rage builds up inside me at their inconsiderate and childish behaviour. Did they really have to give out such shitty vibes especially after their first child just got back from England?

        "Suck it up Christian!" I hear my mom yell, her accent almost fading off at the sound of her voice.

       The door suddenly swings open and I'm a bit startled, the pain in my abdomen increases and I wince. My dad stands just beside the door and Elsie is on her feet now. They both give me weird looks slowly approaching me and just before I give out, I repeat my dad's question.

        "Are you okay boy?"

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