Chapter One.

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Sakura blinked once to make sure she wasn't seeing things, then she blinked again along with a pinch to her arm to make sure she was still awake.
Was she seeing correctly? This wasn't some kind of joke right?.

The scroll current laying across her desk certainly didn't look like a joke.
A revival jutsu, a Jutsu to bring back the dead to life.
Something like this was hidden away so deep Into the Hokage Tower, proably waiting for some unlucky sucker, namely her, to stumble upon it.

Quickly closing the scroll, She placed it into her hip pouch, maybe it was instinct that made her take it but Sakura would later realize that she was glad she did.

Getting up, she dusted her clothes free of any dirt that may have gotten stuck from where she was sitting, man the Hokage tower needed a serious cleaning.  Sakura shook her head as she made her way to the office, she didnt bother to knock as she entered, knowing that the lazy Sixth Hokage would be reading that ridiculous book of his instead of actually paperwork.
Sakura sometimes wonders how the hell he gets away with it sometimes. But she knows that last night he went out drinking with her Shishou, so its time to give him a headache.

"Good morning Sensei~." She sang, slipping into the room with an awfully annoying amount of cheer.

Kakashi Groaned from where he was slumped over his desk, rather pathetically she might add.
He looked  like a wet chicken in need of some food.

"...Sakura.." Kakashi mumbled, eyes still closed.
"You're being to..loud."

"Who cares if I'm being loud?." Just for the hell of it, she slammed the load she was carrying onto the desk, watching as he grimaced.
"Its your own damn fault for drinking with Shishou, that's what you get." She grinned, strolling off to go open the curtains, letting the sunlight flood the gloomy office and making Kakashi Groan even louder.

Finally feeling a bit sorry for him, Sakura walked over to his desk and gently pressed two fingers to his temple, sending a small burst of Chakra there to help the pain calm down.
He sighed in relief, giving her fingers a quick kiss as thanks. Sakura playfully swatted at him, making her way around the desk to drop into the empty chair there.

After the war, She and Kakashi have become closer than ever, he looks out for her like a older brother would and Sakura loved him as a brother along with Sai and Naruto.

"So, got anything good for me today?." She asked leaning back on her chair to prop her feet on the desk, immediately getting swatted on the ankle for her troubles.

"Manners, you troublesome brat." Kakashi rolled his eyes.
"I just need you to drop off some documents to Gaara for me, I asked Naruto,  but apparently he's busy being love Sick."

At the mention of the KazeKage of Suna, rusty red hair and Golden amber eyes flashed across her mind, a wave of sadness threatened to engulf her but Sakura shook her head to dispel the thoughts of that person.

Sakura scoffed.
"Took the dumbass a while to finally figure it out." She held out her hand for the scroll,  the thought of telling Kakashi about the Forbidden Jutsu flashed though her mind before she decided that she'll tell him if it was really necessary.
"I'm happy for him."

"Arent we all." He drawled as Sakura stood up to stretch her spine out, having been sitting in a cramped space for the past six hours would give anyone back ache.
"You leave tomorrow, I really dont  care what time you do, just be careful."

"Hai, Hai." Sakura waved as she closed the door behind her, making Kakashi sighed heavily.

"That girl, I swear." He chuckled.

Sakura packed only one scroll of necessities, it was after the war Yes, but there was still the occasional small bad guy here and there.
After double checking her stuff, making sure that the scroll she had sneaked away was safely tucked in a place where no one would be able to find unless they were her, she finished preparing and was out the door by Ten.

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