Chapter Thirteen.

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This cannot be Kakashi, Uzumaki Kushina thought in a daze, this cannot be the small, antisocial, more to himself, little Genin that her husband was so fond of. It must be a dream or some sort.
In front of her stood a grown man, with the Hokage robes displayed proudly on his back.

Furthermore, who was these people in here, hell where were they? Mikoto's son, my how big he has gotten, didnt specific where they were going only said that the Hokage wanted to speak with them, color her shocked at finding out just who the Hokage was.

"Minato Sensei, Kushina, Fagaku San, Mikoto-San." Kakashi said nodding his head at them from where he sat.
Kushina observed how everyone of them in there surrounded the bed like a protective dome, almost like they were trying to protect the person on the bed from them.

"...Kakashi. " Minato said, eyes flickering to his son, who was currently sitting at the edge of the bed, grasping the hand of the sleeping pink haired girl.
"What's going on?."

"Well, for starters, I'm the Hokage and you all have been dead for years." He said bluntly, making Tenten smack her forehead, muttering about men and blunt idiots.

"What?." Mikoto asked, sweet woman, Kakashi honestly liked her a bit more.
"Is that even possible?."

"In a normal way, no." Kakashi glanced at his sleeping kid, eyes going soft in affection, if it wasnt for Sakura these four wouldnt be standing here.
"But for my little princess, she can make anything possible."

Fagaku scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Dont make me laugh, you expect me to believe that this little girl brought us back from the dead?."

Itachi and Sasuke immediately stood up, their faces dark as rain clouds ready to burst.
"I have been dead for six years father." Itachi hissed through his teeth. He was never one to lose his temper, but this..this was unacceptable.
"Six years, the only reason I am standing here, breathing In air and talking to you is because my Dear Heart did the same for me, she didnt rest until she brought me back."

"I was the first." Shisui said, a hard glare on his face.
"I have been dead years before Itachi passed, Hime brought me back first. If you want to stand here and badmouth her, I can put you back where you came from, six feet under." He glared, daring Fagaku to say anything else.

"Mom." Sasuke said.
"Sakura risked her life to bring back all four of you, just because it's Naruto's birthday today, please dont be disrespecting her in front of me, in front all of us."

"It maybe hard to take in." Konan began, startling the four stunned parents.
"But she gave us back our lives, she wanted us to live, despite our past crimes or mistakes, Sakura believed in us and we are not going to prove her wrong by trying to make you see sense, She's ours to protect, even from you."

Nagato cleared his throat, resting his hand on Naruto's shoulder, whose other hand immediately latched onto his.
"You all are quick to deny the truth that we are telling you." He said, eyes meeting Kushina's head on, Naruto's fingers squeezing his.
"We are the ones to witness the deed, I was there when she decided to bring you all back, it wasnt that long after she had pushed herself to bring me back. Think of your sons feelings, they have only got you back today, you all should be fucking thankful to her." He snapped.

Mikoto took a step forward, pausing immediately when the ones surrounding the bed tensed. She shook her head slightly, moving onwards to reach where Sasuke and Itachi were standing, she gently pushed them aside to place herself down next to Sakura's slumbering form.
"I have no doubt she sacrificed a lot to have us here. And from the moment Kakashi explained, I believed what he said." She reached out to pet the pink hair of the girl her sons were so fond of.

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