Chapter Eighteen

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"Do we have everything?." Sai asked quietly, he was basically talking from the side of his mouth because he had to keep an eye on the woman in front of him in case she noticed that something was up.

That would probably end In a scuffle.

"Most of it is." Sasuke muttered back, his arms crossed over his chest, eyes straight forward, just as Sai, he was keeping an eye on Sakura.
"Naruto would be ready by this evening. "

"He better not  be distracted again." Sai muttered, a bit grouchy.
"I will smack him if he messes this up."

Gaara, who was standing next to them quietly, snorted.
"You'll have to take a rain check on that smack, according to what Tenten said, He and Hinata are... going through a phase... is what she said."

"Phase." Sai repeated with an eye roll.
"He's still Annoyed at her, that's not a phase, that's called owning up to your mistakes, he hasn't given her a chance to apologize yet."

"That's being kinda harsh, isn't it?." Sasuke mused, yet somehow he isn't feeling sorry one bit.

"What's kinda harsh?."

The three of them turned to see Hanabi standing there, a  curious look on her pretty face, honestly, she looked like the female version of Neji.

"Aren't you tired of being nosy? " Sasuke jabbed.
"Always poking your nose where it doesn't belong. "

She aimed a kick to his shin, but Sasuke side stepped her with that same annoying smirk plastered on his face.

"And Can you stop being an asshole for two minutes." She hissed back.
"I should let Mikoto-Kaa-San teach you some manners. What a dick."

"Oi, you do realize I'm older than  you right." He said, eyebrow raised  but secretly impressed.
"Little girls shouldn't be using such language. "

"I'll show you little." Hanabi growled, moving forward to punch Sasuke's face, he dodged again which made her even more pissed.

Gaara felt his lips twitch at that, who would have known, The Uchiha Sasuke had a playful side to him.

"This is good black mail material you know." Sai remarked.

"What is?." Both him and Gaara nearly jumped out of their skins, ha some Shinobi they were, when Sakura appeared at their elbows.

She took one look at the situation before her and scoffed with amusement.
"You're right it is." She grinned.
"But too me, it looks like someone has a crush on Sasuke yet refuses to acknowledge it." She whispered.

Gaara  gave her a look.
"How do you know that?."

Sakura rolled her eyes.
"Because." She said jabbing him in the chest.
"I know what it looks like, I had a crush on Sasuke too remember-."

"-Thank God that's over." Sai droned.

"-So I know what that's  Like." Sakura completed, ignoring Sai's stupid commentary.
"She'll have to admit it sooner or later."

"How long did it take for you to admit that you had a crush on Sasori?." Sai asked.

"I didn't. " She shrugged small delicate shoulders in the most casual way.
"I was already In love with the impatient bastard, there was  no crush involved."

Gaara huffed softly.
"Talk about the most tragic love story." He said.
"Was that after you killed him?."

"I mean he was gorgeous when I first saw his real face.." She admitted, forefinger scratching her left  cheek.
"But yes, it was after I defeated him." She waved a hand dismissing the topic.
"Anyways, this isn't about me." She jabbed a  finger in the direction of the two bickering individuals.
"We were saying..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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