Chapter Eleven

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"That's fucking cheating, you bitch!."

Sakura's hand flew up to her forehead at the curse that came through the door the three were standing in front of.  The two behind her had halted in their bickering, having heard the exclamation and were now looking at the wooden door, one with a deadpanned look on his face and the other with shock. Really, this was not something a young girl should be hearing.

"Its not cheating if I played it correctly, you sore loser." Another voice replied, judgement heavy in his tone, which was apparently the turning point for the other  person, because there was a snarl, followed by a yelp and then a crash.

Sakura bit her lip to keep the laugh she wanted to let out. Seriously, she hasn't been gone for a good few hours and these two are already causing trouble.

"Seriously are you grown men or a pair of five year olds?." Neji's voice commented dryly, making Hanabi gasp as the identity of the voice registered in her brain, a hopeful look on her face as she snapped her head up to peer at Sakura, bitting her lip.

Sasuke scoffed, apparently having enough waiting around, reached around Sakura to slide the door to the house open. There was an immediate halt to all noises inside.

"....What are you guys doing?."

Hearing her voice, both Hidan and Deidara leaped up from where they were both sprawled out on the ground to rush towards her.



Her eyebrow twitched in irritation as she ducked Hidan's arms and wrapped her own around Deidara's to return his hug.

"Hey." The big sliver haired baby pouted, giving Sakura a betrayed look.
"How is that fair?."

"I have told you multiple times about calling me pinkie." She said, sticking her tongue out at him as Deidara squeezed her in his arms.
"Name calling, no hugs."

"I find that fair enough. " Neji deadpanned, arms crossed over his chest, only uncrossing them to return Sakura's hug before Deidara snatched her back.
"Furthermore, Hidan, for the love of all things good, would you please stop-"

He was cut off by,  a soft unfamiliar yet familiar voice, calling his name.

"...Neji- nii."

The man in question felt himself freeze, the blood in his veins turning to ice. His eyes snapped to the doorway, where Sasuke was still standing, a light scowl on his face...and standing beside him... was Neji's little cousin.


At the sound of her  name coming from the lips of the person she loved the most, Hanabi's eyes filled with tears as a loud sob ripped its way out of her throat. Without a second thought, she flung herself at the statue still boy, arms wrapping around his waist tightly as her face  buried itself in his chest.
For his part, Neji was stiff as a board, first of all, what the hell was Hyuga Hanabi doing here? And how did she find out of his resurrection?.

"Naruto-nii told me." She sobbed.
"He said that Sakura-nee had brought you back to life." Her arms tighten around him at that, Neji grunted, his eyes flickered over to where Sakura was watching, he received a shrug in reply to his unasked question.

"...Why are you here?." He asked, the ice in his voice must have alerted her to his mood, because Hanabi immediately reeled back as if she has been slapped particularly hard.


"Why are you here?." He repeated, glancing down at her tear stained face.
"Is it to spy on what Sakura is doing? To report back to the clan head that I'm alive again? To have him brand me as a slave as I was In my last life."
He tone was frosty,  making more tears bubble to life in her eyes.

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