Chapter Sixteen.

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"Its not a hard decision to make." Sakura said appearing back in the living room, the teeth Marks on her skin now covered up by the white medicated patch she placed over it.
"Simple really, Hinata let me put it like this. You're either by side or in my fucking way. Much easier to understand now?."

Ino barked out a nasty laugh, crossing her arms over her chest, looking as if she wasnt nearly strangled to death a couple minutes ago.
"Who would want to stand by your side when you're bringing back the people, who are the cause of so many deaths in this village?."" She asked

"No one asked you." Shisui said pointing a rude finger in Ino's direction.
"Your opinions are invalid here, whatever you yap about has no meaning."

"Look Ino,  I'm tired, tired of hearing you complain, tired of hearing you spew nonsense about me to whoever is stupid enough to actually listen to you." Sakura said with a heavy sigh.
"It doesnt even get on my nerves anymore, matter of fact, I could hardly be bothered with what you have to say."

Ino stared at Sakura for a few silent seconds.
"Wow, I'm glad to know how you really feel about our friendship. "

It was Sakura's turn now to laugh out loud, shaking her head at the audacity of Ino's statement.
"My feelings?. Ino you didnt care how I felt, everything that happened always had to revolve around you, dont tell me you now care about how i feel. " She narrowed her eyes at the blonde, wondering why did she even bother with trying so hard to keep their friendship alive when Ino obviously didnt care if it stayed or faded away.

"How am I supposed to know how you feel if you-."

"Dont even start!." Sakura yelled, she didn't want to raise her voice, but if it came to this. Then so be it.
"Tell you? When all you would do was  brush me off? My words dont sink into your brain for you to understand. You're so self centered and greedy."

"I'm the greedy one?, look at what you're doing, you dont call that greedy?."

"You know nothing about them!." Sakura was getting angry now. Blindly judging a book by its cover, that's what Ino was doing.
"Absolutely nothing, not their pain, their suffering, all of them are human just like the rest of us, The choices they made were the ones they had no other option too, dont stand here and preach to me about something you know nothing of, I've had enough of you, get out of my house." Sakura swung her blazing gaze at Hinata, who jumped at those angry emerald orbs
"You, we have a long discussion ahead of us, sit right there until I'm ready for you." The cold brush of air against her neck had Sakura inhaling deeply, letting it out slowly, she didn't want to snap at Hinata, but sometimes the girl made stupid decisions and those decisions always ends in dire consequences.

For both her and others around her.

"Alright blondy,  you heard the queen." Kisame said appearing out of nowhere to grab Ino by the back of her vest and hauled her towards the door. Ignoring her cursing.
"Good bye, please dont come by again." And with that, fishboy slammed the
Door on Ino's face.

"Sometimes, I don't understand blondes." Shisui mused.

"Why, because we're awesome?." Deidara asked, poking his head out of the kitchen with a grin.

"No." Shisui deadpanned.
"Because, you're all annoying."

"Oi!." Naruto yelled, deeply offended, making Hinata blink in surprise.

"Except you Naruto, you're an angel."

Sakura rolled her eyes at they started bickering, her gaze landing back on the dark haired girl who was watching them argue with a look of awe
In her eyes.
Like this was the first time she ever saw Naruto act like an absolute kid.

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