Chapter Seventeen.

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Apology for the delay in updating my books, I have a bit Of a medical issue to sort through, it's rather exhausting.

"Hime, did you have breakfast yet?." Deidara asked, poking his head into her office with a frown creasing his brow.
"Konan is threatening to beat us both if you haven't eaten."

"Why is she threatening you? It's me who hasnt eaten.." Sakura snorted.

"Because it's Konan, that woman is scary when she's pissed." Deidara shuddered at just the thought..
"Besides bringing back that idiot Tobi must have been exhausting-."

"Its Obito."

"Who the hell cares, still an idiot. So you have to eat to get your energy back."

Sakura gave him an amused look, what was his issue with Obito she wondered, weren't those two partners in the Akatsuki at one point in time. Then again Obito did play them for fools up until the very last moment so she's not that surprised that Diedara of all people would want to slit his neck.

"What's for breakfast then?." She asked.
"I kinda sneaked out the house before Naruto and Sai could spot me." That would have been trouble with a capital T.
"You could have brought some with you." She pouted.

"Who do you think I am, Hime?." He scoffed, producing a small basket from out of nowhere to place it on the table, the delicious aroma of a much needed breakfast made Sakura's tummy grumble in agreement.

"So what's got you so worried?." Deidara asked as he placed her meal in front of her along with a pair of chopsticks. Sakura was loved, wasnt she?.

"...Gaara is coming to visit" She muttered breaking apart her eating utensil.
"Its a bit strange, I mean why out of the Blue like this?." She mumbled around the bite of breakfast in her mouth, suddenly getting lost in her thoughts.

Deidara watched her worry with the most fondest look on his face, she was adorable with the little frown on her brows, the little wrinkle he could see on her forehead as she thought. It was really no use being worried, and Deidara was not going to ruin the surprise. And judging from the way Sakura was behaving, She must have not checked the date.

Good, he wasnt about to remind her either.

"Hey." Sakura called, breaking him away from his thoughts, she had a half amused, half curious look on her face.
"What do you think is gonna happen when Gaara sees you?."

Deidara felt his face fall into the most driest expression he didnt even have to try hard on.

"What? I was just asking." She defended
"Arent you curious?."  She raised an eyebrow.
"After all. You were a big part in capturing him."

Did this little gremlin really have to rub that in his face?, Deidara narrowed his eyes at her.
"Cant we leave what's in the past, in the god damn past. And move on."

"But I wanna know what will happen." Sakura pouted with half side of her  cheeks stuffed.

"Why are you asking me then, go find out yourself." He stabbed his chopsticks into the noodles, grumbling under his breath about nosy people.

Sakura wanted to laugh.

She was still curious to what would possibly be the reason for Gaara's visit, surely he wouldn't leave the Village unattended just to  come see them.

Maybe she shouldn't underestimate him, he did after all leave the village unattended to come track down her, Sai and Naruto when Kakashi was possessed.

"Hime?." Deidara's voice brought her out of her thoughts, her eyes snapped up uo meet his worried gaze.
"What's wrong, I called you three time but you didnt answer. "

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