Chapter Fifteen

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Sakura hummed in answer wincing as Tenten rubbed her calf a bit to rough.
"Ow, Tenten." She huffed.
"A little gentler please."

"Well forgive me." Said girl replied, slapping Sakura's kneecap.
"But who was the one that caused herself to be bedridden for almost a month?."

"...Me." Sakura muttered, puffing her cheeks out.
"But still, it hurts damn it."

Tenten shuddered mockingly, like a cold wind just passed by her.
"Oh god, you're starting to sound like Hidan."

Sakura smacked her on the shoulder, causing Tenten to laugh as she turned to face the quiet Hyuga.
"Come in and close the door, Hanabi."
She called beckoning the girl in.
"What's up?."

Hanabi took a seat next to Tenten, watching the movements of the older girls hands as she collected her thoughts.
"What...what if Hinata.... does something bad tomorrow?." She asked, her head snapping up to look at Sakura,  a worried frown on her young face.
"What if it doesn't work out and.. and."

"Relax, I'm sure it will be alright." Tenten said cutting her off gently.
"We have also taken that possibility into consideration, Hanabi. "

"Let's not worry about it tonight, yeah?." Sakura smiled, a grimace pulling at her lips as the muscles in her leg protested when she tried to move it. Man staying one place for such a long time really does suck.
"I don't want to see grey hair on someone so young."

Hanabi huffed out a breath, watching as Tenten poked Sakura on the cheek, to which Sakura whined at. It was extremely cute and sometimes Hanabi wished she could be that close with her sister.

"Can I ask another question?." She asked, gaining the attention of the two older girls before her.

"Sure, what is it?." Sakura asked, smiling at her softly.
Sometimes, Hanabi wanted her to be her sister so badly.

"Sakura-nee.... How did your feelings for.. for Sasori begin?."

Said girl seemed a bit taken back at the question, clearly not expecting to be asked that. She smiled never the less, sighing as a hand came up to ruffle her hair, a habit she picked up from Naruto.

"My feelings huh." She murmured, looking off to the side, eyes lost in the memory.
"When they began you asked?." She laughed softly.
"To be honest, I'm not sure when they started myself.  The thing is, on the mission to save Gaara I didnt know what to expect, fighting that bastard wasnt on my agenda but that's how it happened." She snorted.

"He thought I was a push over, a small girl going up against the likes of him with his aging grandmother. I might have thought the same if I was in his shoes" She grinned.
"The first time I could tell I impressed him was when I developed an antidote to his posion in no time when it would taken others years. And the other time." She paused, raising herself up slightly, to pull her shirt up, showing off the small scar there in the shape of a  jagged line.
"Was when he stabbed me straight through and I healed myself with the sword still there."

"Pretty incredible, wasnt it?." Tenten said nudging the gaping girl in the side.

"I think they started then, I have never had anyone praise me or acknowledge my skills more that he did in that moment." Sakura sighed, letting her shirt slip down once again, not before she felt the cold touch to her skin.
"He was an arrogant, narcissistic bastard, but in the end, he told me everything I needed to know, eyes never leaving my form as he talked, and when he did go, I found myself missing him strangely."

"No surprise there." Tenten snorted, tilting away from Sakura's weak swipe.
"Talk about a tragic love story eh?."

"After Grandma Chiyo's funeral, I bumped into his grandfather.  He told me so much stories of his grandson, who was a rebellious brat even to the age of Sixteen." She laughed, even as the cold touch brushed against her cheek, he must be waiting for her to fall asleep so badly, Hah, she's going to make him wait a bit longer.

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