Chapter Five

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Sakura's brows knitted together in a way that it looked like they were about to be merged. Well they looked like that from Shisui's point of view, he stared at her hands, at the gentle green light shining from her palms, watching as the reanimated body of his little cousin slowly started deteriorating before his eyes and the bare chest under Sakura's palms jumped with a deep inhale. It was something amazing to witness first hand, Shisui was glad he was the one getting to do that.

As Sakura started to fall backwards, Shisui wasted no time in lunging forward to catch her in his arms.

"Whoa there." He chuckled, looking down at the drowsy face of the woman who brought him back, her eyes were slipping shut and he noticed her fingers were trembling, and a bit red at the tips.
"Does this always happen when she drains her Chakra?."

"Pretty much." Tenten answered, coming over to wipe the sweat off Sakura's forehead with a small washcloth.
"Kura often-"

"More like all the time." Sai Interrupted.

"- Drains herself dry when she's at the hospital. " She rolled her eyes in Sai's direction. Turning back to look at the woman in Shisui's arms, Tenten smiled fondly. After really getting to know the Pink haired Konouichi the way she did, there wasn't a day go by that Sakura doesn't work herself to the bone. She has achieved so many accomplishments over the years, changed so many lives with her work, Tenten couldnt be anymore proud to call this amazing woman her friend, her sister.

"Take her to get some rest." She said, looking back at the body on the stainless steel table, which Naruto was so very thoughtful to drape a cloth over.
"We'll handle the rest here." She smiled up at him and Shisui swore right then and there he wanted to kiss her so badly. He shook away such thoughts and nodded his head In understanding.

As Shisui carefully laid Sakura down on the bed, he couldnt help but admire her, in her short life so far she has done so many things he couldnt do when he was alive. Her pink hair was plastered to her forehead and Shisui smiled as he gently brushed the strands aside, revealing the diamond on her forehead, he still has yet to ask what it is though.

Brushing his thumbs under the slightly dark skin under her eyes, Shisui felt affection swell in his chest. Of course this was the woman who gave him his life back, so he's gonna be hella overprotective of her.

Leaning down to press a kiss to the tired girl's forehead, Shisui pulled back with a smile, giving Sakura one last glance before he exited the room.

"What can I help with?." He asked coming up behind Tenten, who jumped at his voice

"Oh," She cleared her throat with a lovely blush on her cheeks. Shisui had to resist the impulse to just lean down and kiss those pretty cheeks.
"Can you get him some clothes for when he wakes up?."

Pfft, sure, he didnt want a repeat of what happened with him to happen with his baby cousin.
"I can do that." He grinned, delighted as her face seemed to darken even more.

A snort was heard from behind him, causing The lovely angel in front of him to squeak, awfully cute he might add, and turn back around. Away from him.

"Its so fucking cheesy in here, I swear I'm about to eat it with some chips.." Hidan said from where he was tinkering with one of Sakura's pen, clicking the top over and over, which was you know, very annoying.

Shisui shot him a look that borderline screamed that he was gonna throw some hands if Hidan didnt shut his trap.

Said man merely gave him a wicked grin in return.

Sakura stirred at the feeling of fingers, seems that her senses were still intact, running through her hair, which was probably really flat and greasy, seeing as how when she completely conks out she doesn't wake up until a couple days after.

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