Chapter Fourteen.

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"- Cannot believe you!." Naruto was ranting  all flailing arms and everything.
"How could you even do such a reckless thing, Sakura-Chan, you were putting your life in danger!."

Drilling her pinkie finger in the left side of her ear in a classic Shikamaru move. Sakura gave Naruto a dull look.
"I feel as if there's an echo inside my brain. "

"There should be!." Sasuke was the one to start off this time.
"Sakura, what were you thinking." He asked, poking her repeatedly in the cheek.
"Did you want to die?."

Sakura smacked his hand away from her face with a scowl. He really shouldn't be talking seeing how he had tried to kill her. But she's not bringing that up, is she?.

"I knew my limit." She really didnt.
"And I knew how much it would take to bring them all back in such a short space of time."

"Reason being why you wanted to hide the second you were finished.." Kakashi added, like he wasnt spilling all her secrets then and there.
"Had everything planned out didnt you."

He was obviously still bitter about it, but too bad for him, because once Sakura sets her mind on something, it would take a whole army, maybe more, to stop her.

Tough luck.

"Sounds to me that you cant exactly control that student of yours, Hokage-sama." Uchiha Fagaku said, stepping into the room with his arms folded over his chest and a cold look on his face.

"Control my daughter?." Kakashi said, as if it was the first time he was hearing such nonsense.
"No one can control her, much less me, ask Sasuke personally."

Where did this jerk came from?. Sakura wanted to know so badly, where this guy  came from with that kinda attitude, is he really standing there, telling Kakashi what to do with her.

"Sasuke, your father is kind of a dick."

All chatter in the room immediately halted. Each pair of head swiveled in her direction, as Shisui nearly choked on his laugh. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and buried his face in her hair to muffle the snickers that were escaping.

"I mean... he kind of is when you look at it. " She continued, as if she hadn't just stunned the very man standing there.
"He has been dead for years, hell eons ago, I bring you back to life for you to stand there, telling my dad what to do and how to control me." She was snarling now, because something about Fagaku Uchiha was ticking her off.
"No one can control my actions, what I decide to do is of my own  choice, I could have chosen to being back your wife alone, but I brought you both for Sasuke and Itachi's sake, so don't be coming here telling my dad how to control me, you're lucky I just woke up otherwise you would have been halfway across the village with just a flick to the forehead."

Naruto covered his own forehead at that, clearly remembering the way Tsunade had flicked him when he was younger.
"Believe me, you don't want that to happen." He said, eyes staring into the distance. Lost in thought and looking like he was older than his actual age.

Mikoto beamed, clearly impressed with this young woman, she has never seen anyone put her husband in place like this before. Leaving her stunned husband as he was,  She hurried over to where Shisui was smothering said girl to his chest, shoulders shaking in mirth. Itachi was next to them, patting her on the head like a teacher congratulating a student that did well in her exams.

"Please," Mikoto beamed, grasping one of Sakura's hand in hers tightly.
"Marry one of my sons."

Nagato snorted from the corner of the room, covering his mouth with one hand,  the other patting at Konan's arm like a kid.
"Marry her son." He snickered.
"Best joke ever I tell you.".

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