Episode 09

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A/N (for those who dont watch Lucifer, the picture above is Ramiel, Lucifer and Amenadiel's younger sister.)

It has been another day. Another full day since the Bennett witch has seen her daughter. No video call, nothing. Klaus informed her about the dangers that came along with the act. As if she was a clueless dumb bitch.

They obviously never went to Los Angeles since there's a celestial being searching for a child that should have never been conceived, they stayed in NOLA to keep watch of the deranged aunt since they had no idea what she was planning.  The others haven't updated them about conditions in Lafayette, but the Original sister assured the witch that everything was fine.

Besides Dahlia, more trouble came knocking on their door the very next morning.

Someone by the name of Remiel came down knocking on Lucifer's door last night, claiming how a celestial being had conceived with a human. Of course Lucifer denied it and persuaded Linda to convince Amenadiel to distruct her for a while. Now the pair were in New Orleans, sitting on the couch in the compound, waiting for Bonnie with the others.

Rebekah and Marcel were staring at at the man as if he will perform a miracle. Caroline thought they were just being cautious, especially when she noticed the woman identified as Linda stealing glances at everyone, almost as if she was psycho analyzing them.


A Day Ago

Los Angeles

"Are you finally going to tell me where to find it?" Remiel asked him.

"I have no idea who you talking about, sister," Lucifer denied on his balcony.

"It is only a matter of time before I do. This will give you the appropriate time to say your farewells."

"Don't kid yourself, baby sister. Angels are forbidden from killing humans, unless Daddy gave an order to slaughter an infant."

"Oh, so you do agree about the celestial offspring wondering the Earth." She arched her eyebrow.

"The Earth is full of celestial beings. Others are far more stronger, including Bonnie Bennett!" He snapped. "Why is it an issue now?"

"All those are here to maintain the balance. They are all equals, and who is Bonnie Bennett."

Oops, he chastised himself. "One of many keeping the balance. What does Dad want with this offspring anyway?"

She shrugged. "It cannot be brought up beside the humans like a mortal. It is in my duty-."

"Wait, so in other words, dear sister, you are here out of your own accord?"

"Lucifer, I know it has been long since you've been in heaven, but everyone has a responsibility. One that does not need for Father to command over and over again like some pagan King."

"So, Dad knows nothing about this?" He look down at the busy road down ahead. It was so unlike God not to know everything that goes on on Earth. It was either, the child wasn't his, or she was his but was someone else's doing, someone who knew all the Godly secrets. "Just when you think our parents will start getting along again," he muttered.


Present Day

Klaus' Bedroom

A Poisonous Angel - A Bonnie Bennett FicWhere stories live. Discover now